Payroll Variance Report
In the "Post-Verification" section of payroll there should be a report that shows variances. For example it should compare the gross or net between the last payroll and the current payroll.
Each employee should be on their own line and you should be able to choose what you see on the report so you can choose to look at: net, gross, specific deductions, or specific benefits. Would help pin-point errors quickly without having to print 2 reports and having to manually compare the reports.

Thank you for submitting this idea with the supporting details. We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community before considering it for development.
Thank you!
Teresa Doty commented
This would be great! I pull last month's reporting and compare manually every month. This would save me hours of time and also take out some of the human error factor of the manually comparison.
Even a report as simple as last month's gross to this month's and and variance would help until something more detailed could be developed. -
Kylee Capp commented
I STRONGLY AGREE with this being created. It would most definitely make payroll a lot less chaotic and would pin-point the errors more quickly. Thank you Amanda!
Manually having to compare two reports creates more room for error. Where if you were to have them on one single report and could view each line item for each individual for both current and previous payroll would make this much easier. Please consider doing this.