Calendar Code Mass Change
With Calendar Code Mass Change it would be super helpful, and TIME saving, to either be able to mass change multiple calendars at the same time or, better yet, have it be part of the update from payroll process so that we can do both at the same time.

We need more information:
What specifically are you trying to mass change on multiple calendars at the same time?
Thank you!
Kerri Hoffman commented
Updating calendars on the Time Off Info Tab in the profile from the Employee Management Plan. Right now it can only be done, one calendar at a time which is time consuming when you have the information already entered on the employee management plan. To go into Calendar Code Mass change and have to update them one calendar at a time is redundant when the information is already in the system. I feel like it should update the Time Off Info tab from the employee management plan at the same time as either rolling the payroll or at least have a task that does them all at the same time. I often feel like we spend a lot of time taking information already in the system and manually moving it to another location.