Calculate retirement hours based on number of checks remaining
Currently an employee who joins us after the first payroll period applicable to their position the retirement hours on their pay code are populated based on the 20 or 24 checks. ie: employee works 90 days at 6 hpd=540 total hrs. The retirement hours on the pay code populates as 27 (divided by 20 checks) versus 54 based on 10 checks left.
I find that since the information we used to use to see the number of days on the position tab in PAC was removed (grrrr) we now have to go to WEB open that employee, choose assignment and scroll to the information to then divide the hours by the checks remaining to fix the hours. Too many steps when you only work in PAC.
We reduce the number of checks remaining on the frequency codes so the information is available.

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Ashley Prinsen
Product Owner
Julie Lipke commented
I recently found that if you have the import/export configuration set to use the employee name and pay code that there is a pay frequency override in the assignment. I can see how this is beneficial for new hires but from what I can see you would have to change the configuration setting for those who are resigning mid year as the first set up doesn't look at the paid to date field and you can't enter a frequency of 1 because it brings up the entire contract amount/1 and makes that the new pay amount as well as entering all retirement hours for the contract.
I would like to again make the request that the system looks at #of checks remaining for a particular frequency code to figure the retirement hours.