Please create a report meeting WRS specs for mid year mass terms and enrollments
Please create a report that would meet WRS specs for the massive amounts of mid year terms and enrollments. We can data mine the information needed however, the set up and format they require is something that has to be designed by our software provider to meet the requirements that WRS has.

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Thank you,
Ashley Prinsen
Product Owner
Connie Heinemeyer commented
This report set up is listed in WRS/ETF System Admininstration Manual - Appendix A .
Julie Lipke commented
Ashley, I have just put out a question to the Wisconsin Skyward user group how they handle mass terms and enrollments. No one had a good solution and I have over 6 districts say they would be interested in learning what I find out from other users.
This is something we truly need.
We can pull all the date we need from data mining however we need it to be able to format in a way that WRS will accept for an upload.
I tried using the annual report process and only including my terms however that doesn't work because for the magnetic file to create it either allows for terms to be included or not included, not processed by them selves and even if we drop to notepad and delete the active staff it won't accept the term code of 001 for an end of year report as that is set up for.
I could see the annual report being tweaked to help us with this. We could bring in applicable terms or enrollments using a processing list.
1 person said a Crystal report is something that we could pay to have set up for us. I would be interested in that idea as well.
Kind regards,