Supplemental Pay / Other Earnings
We need a way for employees or supervisors to submit Other Earnings or Supplemental Pay electronically other than through spread sheet and paper form. This electronic process would need an approval process much like requisitions but should be payable through the payroll processing and not accounts payable. Right now other districts as well as our district have to use paper forms and convert any spreadsheet to CSV files to import into payroll. Very labor intensive for supervisors, administrators, and the payroll department.

Barbara Audette commented
We are manually adding additional pay to worksheets and verifying hours via paper sign in sheets. The information sent to us from the school sites has been approved by the site administrator, any additional approvals are handled by the payroll staff. We are looking to automate this process any way possible, I have one staff member devoted to additional pay process, she is currently spending the majority of each day processing the forms.
Marla Gutierrez commented
Our current count of supplements manually entered for this school year is already past 2,400 so an approval process similar to that used in the new hire request would be extremely helpful. This same functionality would be useful to mitigate the extreme number of stipends that are also processed each school year.
Amy Adams-Mitchell commented
This would be a great idea especially for those certified staff that don't want to clock in/out for a daily duty but are willing to sign in/out on a shared google spreadsheet.
JoAnn Dickel commented
This is a great idea. We also manually enter this information into the worksheet from documents. They have a manually signature from the supervisor. It is very time consuming.
Lacey Bridwell commented
I am referring to employees who work ballgame concessions and gates, tutorials, Saturday school, and any other assignment outside their primary duties and pay code. Some assignments are a set amount per game and others are paid by the hour. Very labor some for all.
Lindsey Watson commented
This is a great idea. We have investigated using 3rd party electronic forms for this, but it would be much better if it was through Skyward and could be submitted to project managers for approval.