Expense Reimbursement - Verify Available Funds
The Verify Funds options should be made available in the Expense Reimbursement module. Without this function, reimbursement requests can be made without available funds. The enhancement would eliminate the possibility of processing payments without available funds and provide necessary controls in the software. Like any other process related to budget...purchase orders, check requests, etc....this option should be applied to Expense Reimbursements.

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In the meantime, if you haven’t tried this already, it could be the solution you’re looking for:
The AP available funds setup in PaC > SA > FM Config > AP will govern Expense Reimbursements. It does so at the AP Processing level, so you won’t necessarily see the verification at the Expense Reimbursement phase. Neither will it verify at the Exp Reimbursement approval phase. Instead, you will noticed an * indicating that the account is over-budget.
The system will, however, check available funds during the Generate Invoice phase. You can set the system to show a warning with the Available Funds or to stop the AP process from continuing because there are not available funds.
Thank you,
Ashley Prinsen
Product Owner
Wendy Baackes commented
We are aware that it verifies funds at the AP level. However, this is not the best place for the denial to take place. It should be the submitter or approvers responsibility to verify funds before it goes to AP for processing. None of the other modules such as PO entry or Budget Transfers allows the submitter to proceed if funds are not available.
Wendy Baackes commented
The Verify Funds options should be made available in the Expense Reimbursement module. Without this function reimbursement requests can be made without available funds and likely will be overlooked or ignored. Like any other process related to budget...purchase orders check requests budget transfers...this option should be applied to Expense Reimbursements. The enhancement would eliminate the possibility of processing payments without available funds and provide necessary controls in the software.