Combine checks for individual vendors
It would be great if checks to the same vendor could be combined like they can on the Financial Management side. It is the same concept of having several purchase orders and sending one check to the vendor. The negative impact is that we are wasting paper checks by not combining.
One check to each vendor from several purchase orders
We hear and understand the value of this request. We appreciate everyone voting and commenting on this request. We did not take this request lightly; we’ve reviewed it and conducted a thorough analysis of the project with our development team. Currently, it’s not something on the roadmap for development.
Marlene Orrill commented
Why is this not a priority? If it can be done on the the Business Suite side I would think it would be easily accomplished on the SBAA side. It is inefficient and costly to print several checks to the same vendor for multiple POs. Otherwise it would be more effective to not use the PO on SBAA which would then entail more manual paper processes in a paperless society. Please reconsider adding this project to the "roadmap for development".
Jeanie Mowery commented
This request has been made several times by Tennessee districts. I agree with Sharon that it is unacceptable to have to print multiple checks for one vendor in SBAA. It's a huge waste of resources. Check processing in SBAA should function the same way as check processing does in Accounts Payable in the Business Suite.
Sharon Petty commented
We would like to be able to pay multiple POs to the same vendor on one check in SBAA. We just found out that it is necessary to print 25 checks for the 25 purchase orders to Walmart. This is really unacceptable and I can not believe this hasn't been requested before now. It is possible to do this the Financial Management and we had no idea this wasn't an option in SBAA. We would like to see this ASAP
Lisa Astorquia commented
Both Kuna School District and Gooding School District have made this request and Jerome School District agrees...In SBAA when you input a check request and generate the request from multiple purchase orders (to the same vendor) the system prints a check for each PO rather than totaling the invoices and printing them on one check (like the business finance side of Skyward). We are using more checks than necessary and it causes extra labor for staff. Some of our staff use credit cards and when our secretary goes to pay a statementa check is generated for every purchase order or every transaction on the statement. We would like to be able to pay the vendor with one check that lists out the amounts from each PO. We are able to do this on the business suite side of Skyward and would like to utilize this feature on the SBAA side