PII access should be a separate security tier, prompt for elevation for PII, smartcard elevation for PII
Part 1: As a skyward admin with all system access, I don't really need access to see social security numbers, the names of parents and guardians, their phone numbers, bank routing / account information for all staff and students, their birthdays, their addresses to do 99% of my job.
It is an unnecessary hazard to the district for system admins like me to have this PII access on a routine basis every day as part of my job. I believe this also extends to HR Directors and Payroll / Accounting. 99% of the time we don't need to see any of this.
I want a way to sign in with All System Access, that gives me access to nearly everything except for viewing and editing staff and student PII data.
Part 2: PII access should be possible by via a prompt for elevation to temporarily enable access, without needing to logout of the regular account. This is similar to how the linux sudo or Windows UAC functions to limit damage that an admin can do unintentionally.
Part 3: PII elevation should be possible via a smart card reader at my desk, so I don't even need to type a password, just insert the card for elevated PII access. The smartcard could be fastened to the table with a chain so it can't be removed from the office or otherwise lost.
This makes password phishing and hacking for district PII extremely difficult since the authentication is via a physical security card kept in the office of HR, accounting, etc.
Staff with PII access may only have access elevation via the physical card without being provided a password to override not using the smartcard. Meanwhile it minimizes the hassle of dealing with an additional layer of security for staff who may need PII access occasionally to do their job.