Add an eCommerce "flag" when approving requisitions.
Add a column to flag eCommerce requisitions in the approval process just like there's an option when initially adding a requisition? I've attached screen shots.

Thank you for submitting this idea and the accompanying screenshots!
Are you expecting an eCommerce column on the main browse or on all the approval browses, including the awaiting lower level and awaiting high level browses?
Thank you!
Amy Van Hout commented
I would say just in the FINAL approver, since we don't need to concern our school secretaries (at the lower level) with this, WE want to see it as the FINAL approver... it would bring to our attention! Thank you!
Nikki Chevalier commented
The most important area would be in the final approval so it alerts me that either I have to place the order myself or it will be sent through the punchout system (eCommerce).
Thank you for asking!