In PAC, Reporting, Detail check history. 1) have a "look up" button. 2) be able to create folders for reports I want to keep.
1) I save a lot of reports in Detail Check History. It would be nice to have a "lookup" feature, so I don't have to scroll through all of them. i.e. ones starting with a "T". 2) It would be very helpful to have folders where I can save & store reports for future reference. i.e. for Audits. Then I do not have to re-create them. But then they are also not cluttering the rest of my reports. Or also to have folders for reports I run every pay day--have them all together in one folder. Kind of like "saved reports" in PAC.
Thank you for submitting this idea. We've reviewed it and have the following suggestions to try instead:
(1) On the Web, the Vendor Check History has a lookup feature.
(2) We've heard from other Skyward customers that they use a prefix on the report description for grouping reports, this would also help when using the lookup feature on the Web.
(3) On the Web, you can schedule Reports, this is one solution to implement for the reports you run daily.
Thank you!