Add a Budgetary Data Mining Report under employee widgets
Add under the "select widget" the ability to display Data Mining Reports. Teachers and Adminstration would love a quick link to their reports on one screen.

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Widgets typically allow for a specific action to be taken while using it. For example, the requisition widget allows users to approve/deny requisitions. What action would you expect your employees to be taking with a Budgetary Data Mining widget?
We suggest employees who use Budgetary Data Mining that want a quick link to the area “Favorite” it for quick access.
Amy Van Hout commented
Ashley - I think she means for it to be available as a widget, RATHER than saving it as a favorite. When Admin sets up widget access for everybody, if that would be an available widget, she could select it to appear there, rather than directing each employee to add it as a personal favorite. It would be done in one swoop by adding it as a widget that all district employees would have