Requisition detail per-line discount
Currently, there is no way to add a discount percentage for a detail line. I have a quote from a vendor that shows a percentage discount per line, but there is no way to input that in the line item, the column "% Disc" just shows '0'. Per Skyward support, I have to manually figure the discount myself and add an additional line to subtract.

Thank you for submitting this idea. We need more information to fully understand this request.
In SMS 2.0 you are able to add a flat discount for a Vendor which gets applied to all line items for that vendor. The result of that discount is what you would see on the Requisition screen in the %Discount column and should be applied automatically.
This is the first time we’ve heard of Vendors providing separate discounts depending on the item purchased. We would need to understand this use case more thoroughly and have more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.
Thank you!
Georgia Abrunzo commented
As an example, I believe College Board AP exams use a percentage, not a flat fee, for discounts.
Justin Johnson commented
Pics, as it wouldn't let me post with the original message.