Payroll department needs to be able to change pay codes without denying timesheet
Payroll really needs to be able to change the pay code when they are processing True Time. Too many people select the wrong pay when clocking in on the app which then reduces the annualized pay amount and charges the funds to another, incorrect, account number.
The process of having to go in deny it, wait for the employee to change, then get re-approved is not efficient whatsoever!
Have you tried any of the following suggestions?
(1) Have you tried excluding pay codes that you don’t want? There is the ability to exclude pay codes that you don’t want employees tracking time against from True Time. This can be done with district wide or by timekeeping rule.
(2) You mentioned the app. Does that mean that the employees are having the biggest issue on the mobile app? When employees have multiple pay codes to track time against. the primary pay code is indicated in pretenses. This should happen automatically.
(3) Is it a business practice to deny the Time Sheet, wait for the employee to change it, re-approve and re-submit? HR should have the ability to update the pay code from the Employee Profile in the Web.
Thank you!
Julie Lipke commented
1-We do exclude the pay codes that are not to be used. We have a BUILD code and STFDV code that every support staff has available to record hours outside of contracted hours.
2-They can select the wrong code in the app or on the computer however, when using the app it is easily missed. What part happens automatically? The pretenses around the primary pay code?
Can we get the primary to appear at the top of the selections automatically?
When they use the incorrect code it charges the BUILD or STFDV account and reduces the pay to the primary/annualized pay code.
If we could change in PAC it would be great to avoid the clumsiness of going between 2 systems and this circles back to requesting the dates to remain set as we have them for a pay period versus defaulting to the future date which has timesheets submitted for.
3-we would prefer to have time to deny a sheet, make a note of what the employee has to change and have them re-submit it to then be re-approved but that isn't our perfect world. When updating over 600 timesheets the odds of problems become greater and the less time we have to work on those errors. We don't need the pay code updated on the profile we need to be able to update it on the fly when we are updating. The more we can get the system to help the better.
This also plays into the request I made to be able to select an option when denying to not send them a off the notification. If we just need to make a paycode change or if their time off didn't match their timecard we in payroll can do (have to) that to keep the process rolling. Employees get concerned when they get the notification but go to their timesheets and do not see anything.
I do know I can go to each timekeeping group and unselect the notify option however, again, for 19 timekeeping groups we really could use help from the system.
Thanks! -
Julie Lipke commented
Yes, we have limited the pay codes that employees can see and use. Unfortunately, mistakes still do occur and if we could change the pay code "on the fly". it would be more efficient for our payroll department as well as not having the employees to receive a message that says their time sheet has been denied. We may have to fix do to the time constraints and put that in the notes however, they still call or email to see what they need to do to fix. (A great feature too would be to allow us to turn off notifications on individual denials so the alarm doesn't go off for the employees and thus supervisors)
As a practice we would like the employee to make corrections but again and should be happening at the approver level but by the time it gets pushed through to payroll we may be limited for time so we may have to make the correction. -
Debbie Dubuc commented
We have been struggling with this problem since we started using True Time. Although we like True Time, there are some steps that can definitely be improved. It is really a back and forth issue, when an employee enters the wrong information - for example selects the wrong Pay Code for the job they are doing, and then submits their time card. We have to go in and deny it first in order to make any appropriate changes. Of course it would be awesome if our employees didn't make any mistakes... but since they do, there should be a more convenient way of correcting their time sheet. It's a very long, drawn out process to deny, wait for employee to correct, re-submit, re-approve and submit to payroll just because they picked BUILDING when they returned from lunch instead of SEC10 or whatever their regular paycode is. There really needs to be an easier process. -
Nicole Howard commented
Yes!! This would be a huge timesaver!!