Reminder message for True Time users to submit their time card at the end of the week
...with the ability to schedule the reminder for a specific day of the week. Another reminder could be scheduled when they Punch In for the first time in the next work week to submit any prior work week's time sheets.

With the release which became available on 10/8/2020, notifications can be configured to display for Unsubmitted Time Sheets. The notification will be displayed as an alert in the header of the screen. The number of weeks to look back can also be configured. An option has been added to the Timekeeping Rule to display a notification to the employee when they have unsubmitted time sheets. Turn it on and enter a number of weeks.
Thank you!
Kathy Roberts commented
Putting a small ! in the header is not enough notification. A Pop-up box needs to appears with a message indicating unsubmitted timesheets from a prior week.
Julie Lipke commented
This is a great idea!!
Many people have expressed that we need a different way to notify employees/supervisors or unsubmitted/unapproved absences and that the "try this instead" suggestion is not working. Skyward, please listen to your users!!!