recurring entries
In recurring entries when multiple accounts are listed with dollar amounts, but only a couple of the account number dollars changed, not all, then the computer uses the new dollar amount and divides it according to percentages. Please leave the numbers as saved in the entry alone and allow us to select and choose the one or two accounts that need the dollars edited to make the difference up instead of having to edit all the dollar amounts for all the accounts. Also, do not auto bring up the Select Account Number box when selecting update accounts. The numbers are already here. If we need another one we can always add it, but 95% of the time these are our account numbers we are using. Also if using the update accounts button allow us to tab right to the amount we want to enter without going to another screen. Please see example.
Thank you for submitting this idea. We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community before considering this idea for development.
Thank you!