Create way to clone a fund in order to create a new fund.
In order to create a new fund in the system you have to manually add the fund and all the accounts (Equity/Liability/Rev/Exp/Cash) to the new fund. You also have to bounce back and forth between Web and PAC. It would be nice to have a clone option for a fund available that way you choose a fund option that's already created, and clone it in order to create the new fund. All accounts will already be there and you just need to rename/number the accounts.

There is a process in Skyward to clone funds in order to create a new fund.
On the Web, navigate to Account Management, Product Set Up, Utilities and select “Mass Add Account Transaction” Once you’ve run through that utility and reviewed the data you process it using the “Mass Add Accounts” utility.
Here are links to the SkyDoc:
NOTE: We recommend submitting a Service Call to get assistance with running these utilities.
Thank you!