Mass Reactivate/Deactivate Time Off Code Utility
Currently there is no way to deactivate or reactivate a time off code. In the time off code set up I can select that a particular code cannot be seen in Employee Access. However I'd like to be able to mass deactivate a time off code that is no longer used. I would like to be able to reactivate a time off code that used to be used. For example we have used the time off code Protected Discretionary for a number of years for certified staff. However in negotiations they want it to be called Personal Leave. I want to deactivate the Protected Discretionary code. I want to be able to reactivate the Personal code. There are ways to mass add time off codes mass delete time off codes but no way to mass deactivate or reactivate. As it is now I'm going to have to go in to each employee and reactivate Personal on the employees individually.

Julie Lipke commented
We need this as a utility. It is not efficient to go into each person and activate/inactivate the timeoff codes.