Covered individuals
For each employee I noticed that there is a box to say employee is a covered individual. Our district is self-insured so every covered individual must be reported. When you check the box the employee's information (name social and date of birth) does not automatically populate in the bottom. I had not added them manually in the bottom because a Skyward rep told me that the IRS will recognize the employee as covered because the box was checked. However the IRS does NOT accept the record and tells us that it is an error because the box is checked but the employee's information as a covered individual is not on the 1095C. I think that this could be an easy fix by having Skyward added the employee as a covered individual in the bottom if we click the box. Would you please consider adding this? It would save tons of data entry time.

Lora Holman commented
I think you might want to enter another service call on this because we are also self insured and we don't have this issue. In the 1095C Info area we have staff flagged (check box) as "Report Employee as Covered Individual" (they are not manually added as covered individuals) and on the 1095 it shows the employee in the list of Covered Individuals.