Changing PO account numbers
As the PO processor I would like to be able to change account numbers as needed regardless of the PO group. In PAC I can pick whatever account number is needed for the PO no matter what PO group the requisitioner chose or is a member of. For instance I've got a librarian in my high school who orders a certain program for all of my buildings but she's only got access to the HS library accounts not the accounts for each building. In PAC I can change the accounting to charge all 4 library accounts while I'm batching the POs. This is not possible in the web side. Every time I need to change accounting outside the PO group parameters I have to sign into PAC to change it. I've submitted a service ticket and was told there was no way to do this in the web side. Being able to change the account numbers in the web would save time every time I batch POs. The whole accounting process has been moved to web from PAC. I don't want to have to sign in to PAC just to fix accounting. This would save me quite a bit of time in the PO process if I could do everything in one place.

Ashley Dake commented
I believe that we should be able to do the same thing when approving requisitions. We should be able to change the accounts as super users regardless of the account group being used.
Megan Lawson commented
It's probably because you have account clearance groups tied to your PO groups in the web. This is optional, and if you remove it, then you - and everyone else with access to that PO group - will have access to all the accounts you all have security clearance for when you open a PO in any PO group without that restriction. We have clearance groups tied to several of ourPO groups so that people with access to multiple budgets have a narrower selection range, and they remember to use the correct PO group and its related approval path. These are typically secretaries who work for more than one budget manager. See attached for where you can see which PO groups have it.