Ability to mass change expiration dates for certif
MDE (MN Dept of Education) is upgrading to a tiered licensing system. To achieve this they will be extending all existing teacher licenses by one year from their current expiration date. All licenses expiring 6/30/18 will be extended to 6/30/19. Similarly 19 will go to 20 20 will go to 21 21 will go to 22 and 22 will go to 23. If not able to mass change it will require all schools in MN to manually update the expiration date of all teachers. This will increase the possibility of errors in the future.
By allowing a mass update by employee type (or certification type) and expiration year it will allow all MN schools to update quickly instead of manually touching each and every teacher currently working for them. In my instance that is approximately 950 records.
Thank you for submitting and voting on this idea.
We’ve researched this request and current SMS 2.0 functionality and we suggest trying this instead:
Create a Data Mining Report from Human Resources > Employee> Data Mining to pull certification information. You can export the Data Mining Report to an excel spreadsheet to mass update expiration dates.
Then, navigate to Human Resources > Employee > Product Setup> Utilities > Certifications Import. You can re-import the Data Mining spreadsheet with all the updated certification expiration dates.
Please be sure to verify the Expiration Date is not checked for the Creation Criteria on the import. This process will allow you to mass update all certification expiration dates.
Thank you!
Ashley Prinsen
Product Owner