Multiple building fields on Personnel tab
It would be very helpful to show all buildings if an employee actually works at more than one location on the Personnel tab. If we had a primary building and alternate buildings showing it would be great to have these new fields available in Data Mining. Users now run building reports in DM but the employee may not be on their list since it does not appear in Personnel as the "main" building so the report is not accurate. We want them to be able to see all their buildings at a glance on the main screen. his could even be offered in fields that a user could choose on the Customize row above the Personnel/Employee Information area.

Thank you for submitting and voting on this Idea. We’ve spent some time here at Skyward doing research for this request and have determined after a thorough analysis that we will not be pursing this development.
We discovered, that if we add multiple buildings to the employee profile, this change would create large ramifications. Building is found in many places throughout the system and the effort, impact and risk to update is not something we will be able to address at this time.
We recommend using Employee Management Data Mining to report on Employees and all their Assigned Buildings.
In Data Mining use Assignment as the Driver Table, In Field Areas select Position, and under Position select Position Building Code, Position Building state, and Position Building Desc. To report on all buildings associated with an Employee.
Thank you!