Need ACA hours for docked day to equal hours workd
Need to have ACA hours for a docked day to equal daily hours worked in Employee Management. Currently the docked hours for ACA default to 8 and this is not correct in most cases.
Dock pay would automatically deduct the correct number of ACA hours when used.
Additional clarification from customer:
We currently pull ACA hours from Employee Management. When processing a
payroll and an employee has dock pay it pulls up the hours associated with
the calendar for the employee. I would like the ACA hours to pull from the
hours per day on Employee Management. This way the proper hours would be
deducted (without overriding it). What happens now is the system will dock
8 hours per day because that is what the calendar is set at.
Thank you for submitting this request and voting on it. We’ve had our experts run a few test at Skyward and we believe the system is working as intended as long as the set up is correct. Please review these steps & try this instead:
1) When running the Unpaid Time Off Import (Create Dock Pay) utility in Payroll Worksheets the ACA Hours are automatically created.
2) The hours are negative – to indicate taking ACA hours away from the total ACA hours for the payroll
3) The number of hours recorded is based on the Time Off Code Setup – Hours per Day
4) The ACA hours are written directly from the Unpaid Import. They are not derived from the ACA Import button in Payroll Select
5) Primary Pay’s ACA hours is pulled from the ACA Import in Select
6) The Import runs out to the web. It is set up to calculate from TT, EM and Pay codes.
7) ACA hours will calculate for an employee’s primary pay from Employee Management – based on Assignment and the ACA Date Range.
8) Finally, the employees total ACA hours recorded is from primary, minus pay from the (remaining) Dock Pay.
Thank you!