Add a custom browse view for assignments
There are currently on 2 views that we use staff payroll and staff assignments. We would like to create a custom view because there are fields in each one that are unique. We would like to see all the fields in both available for a custom view and we can filter on. Also we need to see more then just 2 accounts. We would dump this report to excel and all the account codes could show then for us.
More options and flexibility on fields and more then just 2 account codes to show. We use this information in our budgets and our finance director needs this information in different ways. This type of report would be a lot easier to set up then setting up many different data mining reports.

Thank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback!
Could you detail which fields specifically you’d expect to see on the browse?
Would up to 4 accounts be adequate, or would you expect to see more than 4 accounts?
Thank you!
Dina Lane commented
I wish the staff payroll included hours per day worked and the calendar code. 2 account numbers are sufficient for our needs, however almost every employee has add-on's, some more than one. Data mining is the only way I can obtain all the employees pay information.