Time Off - past/future
Right now with time off an employee can request time off anytime in the past or future.
1. Would it be possible to have a utility/setting that does not allow time off to be requested more than 30 days out??
2.This request is a little more difficult to ask about but here's a scenario...
An employee gets a time off accrual semi-monthly. The employee is currently out of time off. On 10/26 the employee is out sick. However on 10/31 the employee accrues 4 hours of sick leave. As it is now the employee is able to wait until the 10/31 accrual and go back and request sick leave for 4 hours on 10/26 the date of their absence. I would like to see a setting in time off that does not allow time off requests prior to the accrual date. So if the employee has a time off balance of zero and then accrues leave on 10/31 they cannot use that time off for a date of 10/31 or after the accrual.

Thank you for submitting this idea. We’ve reviewed both requests. For 1 we are not considering it for development at this time. The idea will remain open for continued voting and commenting.
For 2 we suggest you try this instead: On the Time Off Codes Maintenance screen (WH\TO\PS\CO\TO) there is a checkbox that says “In Employee Access, calculate available time off as of the date of the request.”
Thank you!
Lora Holman commented
I would love to have #1 available as an option where we can set the number of days out by time off code. I believe the second one may already be available. We don't use it but I've seen a check box on the Time Off Codes Maintenance screen (WH\TO\PS\CO\TO) that says "In Employee Access, calculate available time off as of the date of the request."