Customer Access Support Tickets Marked as "Critical"
When we are putting in a customer support ticket to Skyward, there is a "critical" checkbox that can be selected. Through research, we have discovered that these "critical" tickets go to a dispatcher. That dispatcher then identifies whether the need is actually "critical" or not. I understand the need to process tickets like this because, let's be honest, everybody things that all of their own issues are critical OR they have put things off to the last minute to handle. However, if this dispatcher does NOT read the entire message or fully understand what is happening then they might miss a very important issue. This then defeats the purpose of putting in a ticket at all. Through this research we have learned that adding words like URGENT and PAYROLL can help "tag" critical tickets as genuinely being "critical." But perhaps there are better ways to identify if a ticket is "critical." Like the dispatcher being more versed in what schools do, reading descriptions to properly determine importance, having multiple dispatchers so that matters can be handled in a timely manner.