Would it be possible to change the notification of a denied requisition? I attached a copy of a denied requisition. It seems the denied part of the message does not stand out from the rest of the message. Could it be in italics, different color, bolded just something that makes the reason a requisition was denied stand out better?

Thank you for submitting this idea.
We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering this update for development.
This idea will remain open for continued voting and commenting from the Skyward user community.
Thank you!
Victoria Fenske commented
This should also include whose credit card, why this was denied, etc. Here is what I received in an auto email:
From: <>
Date: Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 2:00 AM
Subject: 1 Denied Credit Card Transactions.
To: <>The following 1 Credit Card Transaction(s) have been denied.
Transaction Date Amount Where Used
11/09/2021 4,207.08 Southpaw Enterprises I, 9372527676, OH, 45403, USDistrict: SAUK PRAIRIE SCHOOL DISTRICT
District Web Site:
State: WI
District Code: 5100FINANCE