I have two ideas.. one is PA specific.. When processing the 1099 and creating the files for uploading.. for PA you need to check the box in the area where it says DON'T CHECK THIS BOX UNLESS TOLD TO DO SO.. well I spent a DAY not realizing that for PA upload this box MUST BE CHECKED.. screen should indicate clearIy which states need to have this box checked and 2) I happen to only have 1099s for PA and occasionally NJ, but that is another issue to look at: I bet other SKYWARD users also
not only have issues with their own state uploads but with vendors from other state which have different instructions from the home state. Easton happens to be on the border with NJ so we have a
a lot of interaction with NJ. I had to call NJ and beg them to let me enter my 1099 because I did not want to attempt another upload debacle.