Florida Statute - Time Off Sick Leave Certification
We have a FL statutory requirement that says all sick leave (either sick or personal) must be submitted and accompanied by a statement stating that the employee certifies they are sick or are using a personal day. We are currently satisfying this requirement via a paper form that is printed, signed, scanned, and attached to the submitted sick time off request - not ideal. I would like to request Skyward add an "I certify..." checkbox for sick/personal time off requests. The Statute is §1012.61(2)(B), FLORIDA STATUTES and states: "Any district school board employee shall, before claiming and receiving compensation for the time absent from his or her duties while absent because of sick leave as prescribed in this section, make and file within 5 working days following his or her return from such absence with the district school superintendent of the district in which he or she is so employed a written certificate which shall set forth the day or days absent, that such absence was necessary, and that the employee is entitled or not entitled to receive pay for such absence in accordance with the provisions of this section...". Or other suggestion on how to satisfy this state requirement without the need to attach a certification document? What are other FL districts doing to satisfy this? Have they taken the position that the Time Off request by itself satisfies the statute?

Our Florida State experts have researched this request. Per the Florida’s statue, a written document is required. We have created a written best practices document and Skyward’s recommended solution to this statue. Please see the attached document titled: “Certified sick and personal best practice.”
Thank you!