Select Check Column Sorting - WF\AP\CR\CR
Sorry for the repost but, PR 4045393 did not address this issue as the screen is still not sortable. Need the ability to sort by columns that was removed in Addendum 2 (02/25/2019) restored. If there is an issue with maintaining the marks on selected checks you fix the issue instead of removing a function that brings the issue to light. We are talking about the screen "Select Checks to Apply Statement Date" where you complete the checkbox to apply the date to the selected checks.
PR 4045393 - to restore ability to sort on Credit Card Approvals available in the February Addendum 8 Release (5/16/19).
James Goines commented
Need the ability to sort by columns that was removed in Addendum 2 (02/25/2019) restored. If there is an issue with maintaining the marks on selected checks you fix the issue instead of removing a function that brings the issue to light.