Expense Reimbursement Verification per Fl Satute
We have a couple of districts that is trying to setup to use Expense Reimbursement but they say according to Statute 112.061 requires that each traveler must certify the data on the form is correct. I can't find a way to be sure that this is included. This is the verbiage: Fl Statute 112.061 11.(b) (b) Voucher forms.—1. The Department of Financial Services shall furnish a uniform travel voucher form which shall be used by all state officers employees and authorized persons when submitting travel expense statements for approval and payment. No travel expense statement shall be approved for payment by the Chief Financial Officer unless made on the form prescribed and furnished by the department. The travel voucher form shall provide for among other things the purpose of the official travel and a certification or affirmation to be signed by the traveler indicating the truth and correctness of the claim in every material matter that the travel expenses were actually incurred by the traveler as necessary in the performance of official duties that per diem claimed has been appropriately reduced for any meals or lodging included in the convention or conference registration fees claimed by the traveler and that the voucher conforms in every respect with the requirements of this section. The original copy of the executed uniform travel authorization request form shall be attached to the uniform travel voucher on file with the respective agency. One of the districts has this verbiage on their form. *** I hereby certify that the above expenses were actually incurred by me as necessary traveling expenses in the performance of my official duties. Attendance was directly related to official duties of the agency; any meals or lodging included in a conference or convention registration fee have been deducted from this travel claim; and that this claim is true and correct in every material matter and same conforms in every respect with requirements of the District School Board of XXXXXXX County Polices. *** Is there a way for this may be put on the form maybe in a box and they will be required to check the box to confirm that their data inputted is correct before submitting?

Ilene Langston commented
Our district has decided to put this verbiage on the Expense Reimbursement Request Maintenance screen when you click on the Submit Request button they will see the verbiage in the box. You set this up in the ER Entry Options under configuration..