Denial reason shown in email sent to originator
If a check request is denied the denial reason is not shown in the email that is sent to the originator. This causes inefficiencies because then the person has to call the business office to find out why their check request was denied. Further confusion is caused by the fact that a Notes field is in the email that the employee receives it's just left blank. Therefore they don't think to go into Skyward to check if there is a denial reason because the field in the email is blank. It's currently confusing to people in our District because we have the same employees who use both the Requisition module and the Check Request module. If a requisition is denied the reason is included in the email. If a check request is denied people don't know to look in Skyward. Making this change would eliminate a lot of confusion and also improve efficiency in the business office. My idea would be to either include the denial reason in the automatic email similar to requisitions since there is already a Notes field. Or change the automatic email to include a note to direct the originator to go to the check request in Skyward to view the denial reason.

Victoria Fenske commented
I'm a final approver and this is my email: It should also include the reason why it was originally denied, who's credit card, etc.
From: <>
Date: Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 2:00 AM
Subject: 1 Denied Credit Card Transactions.
To: <>The following 1 Credit Card Transaction(s) have been denied.
Transaction Date Amount Where Used
11/09/2021 4,207.08 Southpaw Enterprises I, 9372527676, OH, 45403, USDistrict: SAUK PRAIRIE SCHOOL DISTRICT
District Web Site:
State: WI
District Code: 5100FINANCE