Add Individual Employee Pull to True Time
We would like to be able to pull in an individual to pay for any True Time timekeeping rule. In the State of MN if an employee demands their final check we have to produce in 24 hours. We would like to use the system to calculate all money owed using what is entered in True Time. I have been told that the only way to do this is to manually create a check for the hours owed cut the check and then force the time sheets into history so that you do not pay them again for those hours manually calculated. I am concerned with this process as we are a 24 pay district and any overtime is held until the end of the work week (as that is how the system calc's it). By payroll having to manually calculate the amount owed enter for a check and then force the worksheets closed to history leaves a lot of room for human error. If we could just get an extra parameter on the Time Keeping Rule set to pull in payroll to an individual we would be able to allow the system to calculate process and push all that information to History. Removing any human error.