School Business Suite
201 results found
Electronic Onboard Module
We're looking for electronic payroll and HR docs and wondering if Skyward will in the future provide this option to purchase. Fast Track only would help with demographic information and assingnment. We're looking for payroll information like their electronic I9, W4, etc. I overheard that it may be an option with Qmlativ. We already use Task Manager for lots of other data but we're looking for something more robust and interactive. We don't want to add another system.
40 votesThank you for submitting the product idea!
We are looking for more input from our users on this topic.
1. How does this affect your day to day duties with using an onboarding module?
2. What system/process do you currently use to work with gathering this payroll information? Do you utilize something like Custom Forms, FastTrack?
3. What features/processes are you looking for with this onboarding module (ie. do employees upload the documentation, review/approval process, profile integration, etc...)
This idea will remain open for further exploration and input from the Skyward Community.
Thank you!
Erik O.
Add a custom browse view for assignments
There are currently on 2 views that we use staff payroll and staff assignments. We would like to create a custom view because there are fields in each one that are unique. We would like to see all the fields in both available for a custom view and we can filter on. Also we need to see more then just 2 accounts. We would dump this report to excel and all the account codes could show then for us.
More options and flexibility on fields and more then just 2 account codes to show. We use this information in our…
39 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback!
Could you detail which fields specifically you’d expect to see on the browse?
Would up to 4 accounts be adequate, or would you expect to see more than 4 accounts?
Thank you!
Add confirmation email "reply to" option
From within Online Forms a custom email can be sent after completion of the online form. We would like the ability to enter a "reply to" or "from" email address for this message. Currently the reply-to email is the default reply-to email for the entire system which in our case is HR/Finance and Student. We typically have the default set up as a noreply email but we want the Online Form confirmation email to have a valid reply-to email when we use Online Forms for our insurance Open Enrollment process. So during our Open Enrollment all emails that are sent…
38 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback.
We need some clarification on your current process.
Are you processing Open Enrollment outside of Skyward? We ask because Online Forms is not what is used for Open Enrollment in Skyward. Custom Forms are used for Open Enrollment and we currently don’t have an Email option linked with Custom Forms.
Thanks for your feedback and thanks for walking us through your process so we can better understand this request!
Tie pay record dates to contract dates
When you connect a pay record to a contract the pay record should stop when the contract dates end. So if an employee does not continue on with a new contract for that pay record the next year it won't automatically pay out. In the contract area you could put a box to ask if you don't want that.
37 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback to clarify this request.
Is this request to make it so the pay record “by default” uses the paid start/stop dates on the CONTRACT to stop paying the pay record whether or not they’ve imported paid start/stop dates into their pay records with the assignment export/payroll import?
If you have additional information to help clarify what you’d like to see updated or expect to see changed that will help us.
Thank you!
Need ability to set security on form in Profile
We need an option to set security on an advanced custom form so only specific security groups can see/edit the form in employee profile but still allowing the employees that fall within the selection parameters for that online form to be able to edit the form. Currently when a custom form is secured it becomes read only for employee access users in the online forms workflow. Secure Custom Form in profile but still allow employees in online forms parameters to edit the form.
37 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback!
Are you looking at custom forms in online forms only or other places as well like task manager?
Would you expect this update to apply to only custom forms or all forms?
Please elaborate on what you would expect this to look like and function.
Thank you!
Allow approvers to get notificaton of PO Overage
Allowing an approver instead of the submitter of a purchase order to get notification that the PO went over. The negative impact would be that the person doing the budget has to go into each PO to see which ones are over.
35 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback.
Would you expect to receive a notification if a certain account goes over budget, or if the PO goes over budget? Would you expect to receive a notification if both went over budget?
Thank you!
Inactivate funds
We need to be able to in activate funds. The funds have changed over the years and so some are no longer used. Having them show up on our cash summary as zero's takes up unneeded space. It would be cleaner and more clear to the user if the funds could be inactivated and not show up on reports.
34 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback!
Would you expect to be able to inactive funds-only or an entire account?
Do you have examples of cash summary or reports to review?
Thank you!
This report sorting rules should be able to be mod
This reports is setup to sort by social security number which is sometimes the way I like to see it but it would be helpful to also have the option to sort it by vendor name as well.
Having different options on sorting will allow users to be more efficient.
32 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We’d like to see more support from the Skyward User community before we consider it for development.
Thank you!
Add option to mass change pay code for full week
When an employee has a pay code change in profile and true time right now a supervisor must go in and edit each individual clock entry each day on the employee's unsubmitted time sheet.
I would like to see a utility that can mass change the pay code for the entire week. Or have a utility that you can select FROM date x TO date x and mass change all transactions in between.
If anyone needs further explanations I've attached some screen shots of the pages showing the only way to edit a pay code in TT.28 votesThank you for submitting this request. We’d love to see more support from our Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.
Thank you!
Option for items in bank rec to be unchecked
Currently when working on the bank reconciliation the system opens the reconciliation with all items "checked" as if they are all cleared. It would be nice to have the items come in as "unchecked" so that you could check them off as you clear them. Or at least an option to select them all to "uncheck". It is really easy to miss an item that has not cleared especially when many of the items are the same amount i.e. textbook fees and there can be hundreds of fee management entries in that one months statement.
To have the bank rec…25 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback.
Is this request for SBAA Bank Reconciliation?
Thank you!
Date of Term to Profile Extra Info
Please add the Date of Term to the Profile Customized Options in the Profile Banner in Payroll.
25 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback. Could you help us understand this request? Why will this be useful and how will you use it?
Thank you!
True Time Edits
Currently True Time has widgets for Timesheets Waiting My Approval and Time Off Waiting My Approval. Could you add a widget for True Time Edits or Timesheets Edits Waiting My Approval. Employees can add an Edit Note, but Approvers have to go and find the requests rather than being notified. We would like an email notification to go to Approver when an Edit is requested and then also a widget so they can see Edit requests on their Home Page.
24 votesThank you for submitting the product idea!
1. Just for clarification, whenever a user makes an edit to a timesheet note, you would want the approvers to get an email notification?
a. With this, would this only be if they edited after submission of the timesheet?
2. The 2nd portion you are looking for a similar widget to the time off approvals widget?
Thank you for your additional input, the idea will remain open for continued voting by the Skyward community.
Erik O.
Payroll Variance Report
In the "Post-Verification" section of payroll there should be a report that shows variances. For example it should compare the gross or net between the last payroll and the current payroll.
Each employee should be on their own line and you should be able to choose what you see on the report so you can choose to look at: net, gross, specific deductions, or specific benefits. Would help pin-point errors quickly without having to print 2 reports and having to manually compare the reports.
24 votesThank you for submitting this idea with the supporting details. We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community before considering it for development.
Thank you!
Employee Access -Employee Deductions and Benefits
I wish there was a way for employees to view their current deductions and benefits in Employee Access outside of having to always look at their last paycheck. This could be under Employee Access, Employee Information, Payroll. There could be a deductions section and a benefits section. Then if this was possible, we could pull this into our Open Enrollment custom forms each year as that is a popular question from employees during this time, what benefits do I currently have?
21 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.
This idea will remain open for continued voting and comments by the Skyward user community to show their support.
Thank you!
Org Chart
Add a utility to Org Chart to remove Inactive employees from the selected org chart.
20 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community before considering this idea for development.
Thank you!
Make Contract Amounts update Correctly
When you are trying to update a Contract Amount on someone's profile under the Contract tab, it will update the Contract Amount, but not the Per Diem Amount. It should update both fields and give you the option to over ride the Per Diem Amounts. That should be fairly rare that you would need them to be different amounts.
19 votesThank you for submitting this idea. It’s great to see other Skyward users voting on it already!
We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.
Thank you!
Default setting in Position Control Maintenance to not update assignments
We would like to see a default the setting when changing FTE in Position Control to be “Do NOT update any information on the Assignments”.
When changing # POS in Position Control (WH\AD\EM\PC) a screen appears with "assignment Processing Options".
We are wanting the system to default the setting to be “Do NOT update any information on the Assignments” so that there is less chance of making an errors to the current assignments.
17 votesThank you for submitting this Product Idea. We have reviewed it and would like to see more support from the Skyward user community.
There are a few questions which we would like a better understanding on with this product idea:
1. Would a user preferences area be helpful so the user can decide how they want the option defaulted on how to update assignments?
2. Are you only looking for when FTE is changed or when any area on the position control is changed?
This Idea will remain open for the Skyward user community to show support by voting and commenting on it with additional use cases.
Thank you!
Ability To Tie Specific Time Off Codes to Specific Pay Codes
We would like the ability to connect specific time off codes to specific pay codes. Time off populates into timesheets, and from the timesheet it flows into payroll. With past employers, sick/vacation/personal time taken showed up on employees pay stubs. This would also be helpful when someone received a different rate of pay for time off. This became most evident and problematic with COVID absences, but it would be helpful in VARIOUS ways that have nothing to do with COVID. EPSL at 2/3 pay may or may not return in the near future, but not having this REALLY caused major…
17 votesHello! Thank you for submitting this idea. We are looking for more feedback – is your idea only relating to True Time?
Direct Deposit Notification Change Emails Causing Alarm
We have enabled the auto email notification to send to employees when their direct deposit has changed.
However, the system sends an email when you
1. Are setting up a new employee (they had no direct deposit in the system, and now they do since you just got their direct deposit set up)
2. When you change their direct deposit to print instead of "Do not print direct deposit on check run." We commonly change this when the employee is leaving as we cut off their access to employee access.This causes a lot of undue alarm in people. Is…
16 votesAfter researching the two issues detailed in the
Product Idea we have some feedback.We will not be considering #1 for development. Best practices in security are constantly changing and bad actors become more resourceful and creative. This is a valid valid email event to me. If a Bad Actor adds a direct deposit number when there wasn’t supposed to be one, that would be something our users would want to be notified about. Even if it does cause alarm, better to be safe then sorry.
We looked into #2 and are not able to duplicate this issue in any environment. We will need to know the exact steps you took to recreate the event.
Thank you.
Add Credit Card as a Check Type
When entering invoices, I would think choosing to pay the invoice via Credit Card would be similar to Wire, ACH, or Regular check.
Not sure how complex it would be to link the payment type to the Credit Card section for review/submit/approve options. With paperless options increasing, I feel like this is the time to link the two together.
15 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We see the value in this idea and would love to see more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.
In the meantime, while this idea gathers support, we recommend using the “wire” option for credit card payments.
Thank you!
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