Julie Lipke
My feedback
128 results found
6 votes
Have you tried any of the following suggestions?
(1) Have you tried excluding pay codes that you don’t want? There is the ability to exclude pay codes that you don’t want employees tracking time against from True Time. This can be done with district wide or by timekeeping rule.
(2) You mentioned the app. Does that mean that the employees are having the biggest issue on the mobile app? When employees have multiple pay codes to track time against. the primary pay code is indicated in pretenses. This should happen automatically.
(3) Is it a business practice to deny the Time Sheet, wait for the employee to change it, re-approve and re-submit? HR should have the ability to update the pay code from the Employee Profile in the Web.
Thank you!
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Julie Lipke commentedYes, we have limited the pay codes that employees can see and use. Unfortunately, mistakes still do occur and if we could change the pay code "on the fly". it would be more efficient for our payroll department as well as not having the employees to receive a message that says their time sheet has been denied. We may have to fix do to the time constraints and put that in the notes however, they still call or email to see what they need to do to fix. (A great feature too would be to allow us to turn off notifications on individual denials so the alarm doesn't go off for the employees and thus supervisors)
As a practice we would like the employee to make corrections but again and should be happening at the approver level but by the time it gets pushed through to payroll we may be limited for time so we may have to make the correction.Julie Lipke shared this idea · -
4 votes
Thank you for submitting this product idea.
Could you explain the process behind why you need to change the weeks to get the Time Off to import correctly?
How often are you making changes to the schedule?
Thank you!
An error occurred while saving the comment Julie Lipke commentedI know what she is speaking of and we have multiple times we need to adjust the schedule. Perhaps their schedule was set up on a Monday but they didn't start until Wednesday. When we have annualized pay and pay overages and deduct shortages, the system tries to dock them the missing hours.
Or an employee may switch FTE during the middle of the week and their time off may be accurate for 1 day but not the next. Sometimes (most of the time) we are not able to catch these until when we are processing and by that time the employee could have submitted 1 or 2 more timesheets after that that have to be denied as well. Maybe just allow schedule changes all the time.Julie Lipke supported this idea · -
3 votes
Thank you for submitting this idea. We'd like to see more support for this idea from the Skyward User Community prior to considering it for development.
This idea will remain open for continued voting and commenting.
In the meantime, we suggest clicking "Report" to preview the mass assignment changes in the report first, and then clicking "Run" to commit changes. There will be a pop-up once you hit "Run" that says "Are you sure you want to Mass Assign the following work schedule for MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY to the selected employees?"
Thank you!
Julie Lipke supported this idea · -
10 votes
Thank you for submitting this Product Idea. We have reviewed it and would like to see more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.
This Idea will remain open for the Skyward user community to show support by voting and commenting on it with additional use cases.
Thank you!
Julie Lipke supported this idea · -
2 votesJulie Lipke supported this idea ·
3 votes
Thank you for submitting this idea. Are you editing your timesheets outside of PaC?
Thank you,
An error occurred while saving the comment Julie Lipke commentedYes, we do have to leave PAC to make some changes. We may need to go to Web to adjust the scheduled days/time or when we need to deny a worksheet because the time off and times entered do not match.
The current set up may be fine for smaller districts however with the number of employees and approvers we have we often end up making changes like the above often.Julie Lipke shared this idea · -
9 votesJulie Lipke supported this idea ·
5 votesJulie Lipke supported this idea ·
11 votes
We have a few options that you can try to resolve some of these scenarios you have listed.
We cannot prohibit employees from submitting timesheets before all hours are accounted for, but you can set a requirement for the employee to select a reason why their timesheet is short on hours when the timesheet is at least X less than their weekly schedule time.
For your approvers, there is a setting where you can display timesheets in a different color when they are under a certain # of hours of their schedule.
If your employees have an annualized rule, you could have a time off record created for any hours you are short.
Thank you,
Caitlin Barton
Product Manager
An error occurred while saving the comment Julie Lipke commentedWe do all that you recommend however, that is not meeting our needs that is why we request an enhancement that prohibits an employee from submitting until all hours are accounted for.
If they have to create a time off code such as dock in order for the timesheet to be submitted then they would know what to expect or they would review their sheet better.
When we worked with Marc (Johnson or Jacobson from Skyward) he thought this would help many other districts and make the system better as well.Julie Lipke shared this idea · -
5 votesJulie Lipke shared this idea ·
3 votesJulie Lipke supported this idea ·
8 votes
Thank you for submitting this idea to the Ideas Portal.
This is the platform for Skyward users to show support for ideas they like. It’s also the perfect place to share your thoughts and start a conversation about the idea.
If you like this idea, and you want it considered for development, then we need to see your support!
If you like this idea, please vote and comment. You can track it as it rises to the top of the list.
Thank you,
Ashley Prinsen
Product OwnerAn error occurred while saving the comment Julie Lipke commentedAshley, I have just put out a question to the Wisconsin Skyward user group how they handle mass terms and enrollments. No one had a good solution and I have over 6 districts say they would be interested in learning what I find out from other users.
This is something we truly need.
We can pull all the date we need from data mining however we need it to be able to format in a way that WRS will accept for an upload.
I tried using the annual report process and only including my terms however that doesn't work because for the magnetic file to create it either allows for terms to be included or not included, not processed by them selves and even if we drop to notepad and delete the active staff it won't accept the term code of 001 for an end of year report as that is set up for.
I could see the annual report being tweaked to help us with this. We could bring in applicable terms or enrollments using a processing list.
1 person said a Crystal report is something that we could pay to have set up for us. I would be interested in that idea as well.
Kind regards,
JulieJulie Lipke shared this idea · -
2 votes
Thank you for submitting this Product Idea.
We suggest submitting a Service Call so one of our Customer Success Representatives can assist you with setup. Our system should already be able to read paid holidays and non-scheduled days (or non-work days) from the same calendar.
Thank you!
Julie Lipke supported this idea · -
2 votesJulie Lipke supported this idea ·
8 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Julie Lipke commentedThis would be most helpful to have when using true time and we have to change something to put certain employees in a summer school timekeeping group.
It would be even better to be able to pull the names from a processing list rather than having to enter all the names individually.An error occurred while saving the comment Julie Lipke commentedThis would be super helpful and would be great if we could use a processing list.
Julie Lipke supported this idea · -
9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Julie Lipke commentedAgain, this is needed as we have 100+ people who are leaving the district and we need to change them to an xemp employee type and inactivate them.
An error occurred while saving the comment Julie Lipke commentedMass change employee types and in-activate via processing list. Rather than have to manually change 100+ terms at the end of a school year it would be helpful to select employees based on term dates that have been entered and change from active to inactive and to change the employee type to an XTCH etc. With the processing list feature we could capture everyone we want to include.
Julie Lipke shared this idea · -
6 votes
Thank you for submitting this idea.
We’d like to better understand this request. Can you tell us more about how the current selection parameters on the mass change utility is not meeting your needs in PaC?
Related question/ try this instead: Are you using Employee Management at your district? If so, you can run the Additional Pay Code Mass Add Utility to add the severance code to the Employee Assignments using a Processing List. Then, when you run the Assignment Export /Payroll Import, the Employee Pay Records will be updated.
Thank you,
Julie Lipke shared this idea · -
16 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Julie Lipke commentedThis would be so helpful when adding 150 people who need to be paid severance pay or stipends.
Julie Lipke supported this idea · -
7 votesJulie Lipke supported this idea ·
22 votesJulie Lipke supported this idea ·
1-We do exclude the pay codes that are not to be used. We have a BUILD code and STFDV code that every support staff has available to record hours outside of contracted hours.
2-They can select the wrong code in the app or on the computer however, when using the app it is easily missed. What part happens automatically? The pretenses around the primary pay code?
Can we get the primary to appear at the top of the selections automatically?
When they use the incorrect code it charges the BUILD or STFDV account and reduces the pay to the primary/annualized pay code.
If we could change in PAC it would be great to avoid the clumsiness of going between 2 systems and this circles back to requesting the dates to remain set as we have them for a pay period versus defaulting to the future date which has timesheets submitted for.
3-we would prefer to have time to deny a sheet, make a note of what the employee has to change and have them re-submit it to then be re-approved but that isn't our perfect world. When updating over 600 timesheets the odds of problems become greater and the less time we have to work on those errors. We don't need the pay code updated on the profile we need to be able to update it on the fly when we are updating. The more we can get the system to help the better.
This also plays into the request I made to be able to select an option when denying to not send them a off the notification. If we just need to make a paycode change or if their time off didn't match their timecard we in payroll can do (have to) that to keep the process rolling. Employees get concerned when they get the notification but go to their timesheets and do not see anything.
I do know I can go to each timekeeping group and unselect the notify option however, again, for 19 timekeeping groups we really could use help from the system.