Tina Knudsen
My feedback
86 results found
38 votes
Thank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback.
We need some clarification on your current process.
Are you processing Open Enrollment outside of Skyward? We ask because Online Forms is not what is used for Open Enrollment in Skyward. Custom Forms are used for Open Enrollment and we currently don’t have an Email option linked with Custom Forms.
Thanks for your feedback and thanks for walking us through your process so we can better understand this request!
Tina Knudsen supported this idea · -
40 votes
Thank you for submitting this idea. We are not considering this request for development. We’ve conducted research on this request and the scope of this update does not align with our roadmap. This idea will remain open for continued voting and commenting by our Skyward user community.
Thank you!
Tina Knudsen supported this idea · -
37 votes
Thank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback!
Are you looking at custom forms in online forms only or other places as well like task manager?
Would you expect this update to apply to only custom forms or all forms?
Please elaborate on what you would expect this to look like and function.
Thank you!
Tina Knudsen supported this idea · -
37 votes
Thank you for submitting this idea. We’ve completed research and team analysis and have decided not to pursue this idea in the near future because of the scope.
This idea will remain available for continued voting and commenting.
Thank you!
Tina Knudsen supported this idea · -
39 votes
Thank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback!
Could you detail which fields specifically you’d expect to see on the browse?
Would up to 4 accounts be adequate, or would you expect to see more than 4 accounts?
Thank you!
Tina Knudsen supported this idea · -
46 votes
Thank you for submitting this idea!
Tina Knudsen supported this idea · -
45 votes
To remove an individual from an Online Form, the Online Form will need to be deactivated temporarily. Once you deactivate you can click the Activate button again and then the Selection Parameters screen will come up where you will be able to make changes to remove the individual from the Online Form. You can do this even if the employee has already completed the Online Form.
Note: This will only work if you make your employee selection by individual employee.
Thank you!
Tina Knudsen supported this idea · -
49 votes
Thanks for the feedback! After thorough research and team analysis we’ve decided to not pursue this idea in the near future because of the scope.
This idea will remain on the ideas portal for continued voting and comments.
Thank you!
Tina Knudsen supported this idea · -
44 votes
Thank you for submitting this request to the Ideas Portal. In reviewing this request with our State Reporting and Compliance Department, while our current process involves a small portion for manual verification, we are compliant with the PSERS reporting manual specifications.
Tina Knudsen supported this idea · -
50 votes
Thank you for submitting and voting on this idea. We’ve reviewed it and will not be pursing this development in the near future. While we see the value of this request it would require a lot of development time and it doesn’t align with our current road map.
Thank you!
Tina Knudsen supported this idea · -
51 votes
Thank you for submitting this idea. At this time we are not considering it for development. The idea will remain open for continued voting and comments.
Thank you!
Tina Knudsen supported this idea · -
47 votesTina Knudsen supported this idea ·
52 votes
Thank you for submitting and voting on this idea. We suggest that you try this instead:
Create a Custom Form for Note by individual. If you make it as a multi form, you could add more as needed for history or you could use a single form and remove after they have updated what they needed. You are able to include an “Implementation Date” (WH\EP\PS\CF\CF\MS)
Next, create a Data Mining Report. You will be able to run the report by “Implementation Date” and see the notes associated.
Thank you,
Ashley Prinsen
Product OwnerTina Knudsen supported this idea · -
49 votesTina Knudsen supported this idea ·
48 votes
Thank you for submitting this request and voting on it. We’ve had our experts run a few test at Skyward and we believe the system is working as intended as long as the set up is correct. Please review these steps & try this instead:
1) When running the Unpaid Time Off Import (Create Dock Pay) utility in Payroll Worksheets the ACA Hours are automatically created.
2) The hours are negative – to indicate taking ACA hours away from the total ACA hours for the payroll
3) The number of hours recorded is based on the Time Off Code Setup – Hours per Day
4) The ACA hours are written directly from the Unpaid Import. They are not derived from the ACA Import button in Payroll Select
5) Primary Pay’s ACA hours is pulled from the ACA Import in Select
6) The Import runs out to the web. It is…
Tina Knudsen supported this idea · -
49 votes
Thank you for submitting and voting on this idea. After review we have decided not to pursue development at this time. This framework function would require significant time for development.
Thank you.
Tina Knudsen supported this idea · -
57 votes
Thank you for submitting and voting on this idea. We’ve researching implementing this enhancement and have determined we will not pursue it at this time.
There are several limitations to updating the font so that it is bolder. The biggest impact is that by making the font bolder it will shift the font and take up more room. Every report in the system would need to be reviewed and most likely updated as data would get pushed off the report rendering them unusable.
Thank you,
Ashley Prinsen
Product OwnerTina Knudsen supported this idea · -
59 votes
Thank you for submitting this request. We’re researched implementing the request based on the information supplied. Thank you!
Ashley Prinsen
Product OwnerTina Knudsen supported this idea · -
58 votes
Thank you for submitting and voting on this idea.
We’ve requested feedback while researching this request. Going forward, we are not considering this request for development.
Please continue to contribute your ideas — they push us to innovate, problem solve, and really understand your needs.
Thank you,
Ashley Prinsen
Product OwnerTina Knudsen supported this idea · -
57 votesTina Knudsen supported this idea ·