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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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School Business Suite

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72 results found

  1. Electronic 941

    It would be nice if we could upload electronic 941's. Your website indicates that you have 2,000+ customers so that means that there are over 8,000 paper forms going to the IRS every year. Other software companies are doing this, why not Skyward?

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  2. Bank Rec - Details on Cash Receipts

    I am requesting an option to print cash receipts details when printing the reconciliation report. Right now we just have a "Total Cash" entry as the description under the Cash Receipts section on the reconciliation report. I want to be able to justify the total cash amounts by utilizing the descriptions for each CR entry that was entered without having to go back to each Cash Receipts posted.

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    Best Practice recommendation is to enter one cash receipt per batch number when you do cash receipt entry. In addition, go to PaC, System Admin, Fin Mgmt, Install Info, System Options, and make sure the flag for “Budgetary Accounting Update Summarize By Batch” is set to Yes. This will ensure each cash receipt is listed separately in the Cash Receipts area of the bank rec, which will make reconciling much easier.

    If you do not want to enter one cash receipt per batch number, you can use the Receipt Number field on the cash receipt entry screen instead. If you have the software assign a Receipt Number to each deposit, you can create a Cash Receipts report (Financial Management, Account Management, Account Mgmt Reporting, General Inputs History), sorted and totaled by Receipt Number. This report should make reconciling cash receipts easy. (We still recommend…

  3. Would like 'Time Left' field to be available in DM

    Our district sends out letters monthly to employees who have 6 or less sick days left. We are trying to come up with a more streamlined solution than sending out a paper letter. The time left field is currently not available in data mining. If we were able to pull this field for Sick Leave then we could set a range of 0 to 6 days left. This would generate a report with the exact employees that need letters.

    I am trying to help alleviate some of the manual tasks that HR has to do as their work load keeps…

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    Try this instead:

    Access this same information through Employee Time Off Tracker. With the tracker, you can select employees and the time off codes you want to see. Then on the browse, you can use the filter to see employees with specific amounts. You are able to get the data you need through this method and still use task manager to notify employees.

    Thank you!

  4. Ability to mass change expiration dates for certif

    MDE (MN Dept of Education) is upgrading to a tiered licensing system. To achieve this they will be extending all existing teacher licenses by one year from their current expiration date. All licenses expiring 6/30/18 will be extended to 6/30/19. Similarly 19 will go to 20 20 will go to 21 21 will go to 22 and 22 will go to 23. If not able to mass change it will require all schools in MN to manually update the expiration date of all teachers. This will increase the possibility of errors in the future.
    By allowing a mass update by…

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    Thank you for submitting and voting on this idea.

    We’ve researched this request and current SMS 2.0 functionality and we suggest trying this instead:

    Create a Data Mining Report from Human Resources > Employee> Data Mining to pull certification information. You can export the Data Mining Report to an excel spreadsheet to mass update expiration dates.

    Then, navigate to Human Resources > Employee > Product Setup> Utilities > Certifications Import. You can re-import the Data Mining spreadsheet with all the updated certification expiration dates.

    Please be sure to verify the Expiration Date is not checked for the Creation Criteria on the import. This process will allow you to mass update all certification expiration dates.

    Thank you!
    Ashley Prinsen
    Product Owner

  5. Increase PA UC decimal places from 4 to 6 digits

    Our district does the finances for a charter school that resides within our district. This charter school's PA Unemployment Compensation rate as directed by the PA Dept. of Labor is 0.036785.
    Skyward currently only allows 4 decimal places so I'm only able to enter 0.0367 or 0.0368.

    If this isn't something that can be fixed in the current Skyward software please make sure to include it in Qmlativ.

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  6. Notes' option in profile needs reporting options

    I use the Notes option in both Web and PaC profile to record any payroll changes that need to occur. There are hree issues with this:

    1. Program does not allow me record the date as of when I need to make the change.

    2. When reporting on these notes it sorts by 'Create Date' rather than the date I need to make the change.

    3. Options need to be added to sort the notes by Occurrence Date or Implementation Date rather than by Create Date.

    4. The option would be more functional if user could define to report in 'Expected Date' or 'Implementation…

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    Thank you for submitting and voting on this idea. We suggest that you try this instead:

    Create a Custom Form for Note by individual. If you make it as a multi form, you could add more as needed for history or you could use a single form and remove after they have updated what they needed. You are able to include an “Implementation Date” (WH\EP\PS\CF\CF\MS)

    Next, create a Data Mining Report. You will be able to run the report by “Implementation Date” and see the notes associated.

    Thank you,
    Ashley Prinsen
    Product Owner

  7. Payment Type Totals Independent of Detail Lines

    Add option to allow payment type (Cash Check EFT etc.) to be defined on the Batch instead of being built from accumulated totals from the detail line items.

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    Thank you for submitting this idea. We suggest that you try this instead:

    Payment type can be selected as a default and/or retained value on the Data Retention on Add.

    Navigate to Data Retention on add for Cash Receipts (WF\AM\GI\CA\CA\CA)
    There is a checkbox next to the Field “Payment Type” make sure to check that and select “EFT” from the drop down.

    Thank you,
    Ashley Prinsen
    Product Owner

  8. Need ACA hours for docked day to equal hours workd

    Need to have ACA hours for a docked day to equal daily hours worked in Employee Management. Currently the docked hours for ACA default to 8 and this is not correct in most cases.

    Dock pay would automatically deduct the correct number of ACA hours when used.
    Additional clarification from customer:

    We currently pull ACA hours from Employee Management. When processing a
    payroll and an employee has dock pay it pulls up the hours associated with
    the calendar for the employee. I would like the ACA hours to pull from the
    hours per day on Employee Management. This way the…

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    Thank you for submitting this request and voting on it. We’ve had our experts run a few test at Skyward and we believe the system is working as intended as long as the set up is correct. Please review these steps & try this instead:

    1) When running the Unpaid Time Off Import (Create Dock Pay) utility in Payroll Worksheets the ACA Hours are automatically created.

    2) The hours are negative – to indicate taking ACA hours away from the total ACA hours for the payroll

    3) The number of hours recorded is based on the Time Off Code Setup – Hours per Day

    4) The ACA hours are written directly from the Unpaid Import. They are not derived from the ACA Import button in Payroll Select

    5) Primary Pay’s ACA hours is pulled from the ACA Import in Select

    6) The Import runs out to the web. It is…

  9. Delete by Employee with Online Forms

    You cannot currently delete an online form process for a given employee. There are instances where an employee may not need to complete the online form such as resignation or the employee letter that's posted is incorrect etc. In that case you cannot delete anyone who was assigned the online form unless you log into their profile and complete the form for them. It will always show as incomplete or outstanding. Either we need an option to delete an online form for a specific employee or it needs to be setup like the Student side's Online Form which includes a…

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    To remove an individual from an Online Form, the Online Form will need to be deactivated temporarily. Once you deactivate you can click the Activate button again and then the Selection Parameters screen will come up where you will be able to make changes to remove the individual from the Online Form. You can do this even if the employee has already completed the Online Form.

    Note: This will only work if you make your employee selection by individual employee.

    Thank you!

  10. On the YTD tab add the ability to accumulate TRS w

    This would be VERY helpful when processing the TRS annual report. The outcome would be a quick way to check TRS wages when completing the annual report. It could be done by adding the ability to accumulate wages by a date range that would be manually entered. It is already accumulating by a predetermined date range.

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    Thank you for submitting this idea and voting on it.

    We suggest you try running the Update Retirement Earnings with Summer Payroll Amounts. This can be found by navigating to PaC > Human Resources > Payroll > Reporting > Retirement Processing TRS. Click on the “Options” button to run the Update Retirement Earnings with Summer Payroll Amounts.

    Keep an eye out for Emails from Skyward for TRS Annual & TRS Pay Period Report Webinars and Training available this summer.

    The TRS Pay Period Report goes live January 2021.

    Thank you,

  11. add column to View with Application Count

    Add a column to the View that shows the number of Applications for each Status Code.

    This will allow this area to be must more useful and prevent the user from having to check each code to see who is attached or how many are attached.

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  12. Time Off - past/future

    Right now with time off an employee can request time off anytime in the past or future.
    1. Would it be possible to have a utility/setting that does not allow time off to be requested more than 30 days out??
    2.This request is a little more difficult to ask about but here's a scenario...
    An employee gets a time off accrual semi-monthly. The employee is currently out of time off. On 10/26 the employee is out sick. However on 10/31 the employee accrues 4 hours of sick leave. As it is now the employee is able to wait until the…

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    Thank you for submitting this idea. We’ve reviewed both requests. For 1 we are not considering it for development at this time. The idea will remain open for continued voting and commenting.

    For 2 we suggest you try this instead: On the Time Off Codes Maintenance screen (WH\TO\PS\CO\TO) there is a checkbox that says “In Employee Access, calculate available time off as of the date of the request.”

    Thank you!

  13. I would like to see the "add from Online Catalog" button, moved to just under the "Add" button when completing a requisition.

    I would like to see the "add from Online Catalog" button, moved to just under the "Add" button when completing a requisition.

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  14. Check Estimator on Employee Profile!!!

    Having a check estimator option somewhere on the employee profile screen to show what that employee's check will be based on pay/ded/ben BEFORE we run payroll. I'm surprised this isn't an option.

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    Good Morning! Thanks for all the feedback, we appreciate it! There is a great option right now to get to the Check Estimator from Employee Profile. If you login to Skyward > Web Human Resources > Employee Profile and search for the employee you are looking to run the Check Estimator for, you can then click on the Blue Information Icon (i) next to the search bar and Ranges button. This will take you out to Employee Access, where you can click on the Check Estimator tab and run the Check Estimator process for that employee.

  15. Add Ability to Schedule Direct Deposit Email Processing

    Currently there is no option to schedule the Direct Deposit Email that goes out on pay day. The ability to schedule this a few days before would be beneficial so staff who are on vacation and or out sick do not have to log in to send the email the morning of payroll.

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    Hello! Scheduling Direct Deposit emails is current functionality. You can set this up two different ways. If you just sent your Direct Deposit emails recently, you can go into “My Print Queue” (upper right hand corner of your screen). You will see a Report Description with “Send Direct Deposit Emails”. Highlight the row by clicking on it and then click on Tasks on the right hand side. You will then click on Schedule This, which will prompt you to choose which days of the week, months of the year, etc. to run the scheduled task. Once you are finished click Save. If you do not have any recent Direct Deposit Emails sent, once you run your next Payroll and you send the notification you will have the same record in your Print Queue which will allow you to setup your scheduled task with the same steps above. Thank you and…

  16. Reminder message for True Time users to submit their time card at the end of the week

    ...with the ability to schedule the reminder for a specific day of the week. Another reminder could be scheduled when they Punch In for the first time in the next work week to submit any prior work week's time sheets.

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    With the release which became available on 10/8/2020, notifications can be configured to display for Unsubmitted Time Sheets. The notification will be displayed as an alert in the header of the screen. The number of weeks to look back can also be configured. An option has been added to the Timekeeping Rule to display a notification to the employee when they have unsubmitted time sheets. Turn it on and enter a number of weeks.

    Thank you!

  17. We would like to prohibit employees from submitting timesheets before all hours are accounted for based on the scheduled hours.

    Employees are submitting timesheets either before all time off hours are imported or are forgetting to input time off or enter it correctly for various reasons; they may leave in an emergency situation, they don't account for lunch times, etc. They then submit their time sheet short of what their scheduled weekly hours should be. It would be great to prohibit employees from submitting until all hours are accounted for. It would allow it to be corrected much much sooner than when it has reached the payroll department and very close to when the payroll needs to be processed and…

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    We have a few options that you can try to resolve some of these scenarios you have listed. 

    We cannot prohibit employees from submitting timesheets before all hours are accounted for, but you can set a requirement for the employee to select a reason why their timesheet is short on hours when the timesheet is at least X less than their weekly schedule time.

    For your approvers, there is a setting where you can display timesheets in a different color when they are under a certain # of hours of their schedule. 

    If your employees have an annualized rule, you could have a time off record created for any hours you are short.

    Thank you,

    Caitlin Barton

    Product Manager

  18. Inactivate Pay Codes

    A way to inactivate old pay codes no longer in use, delete would be great but just inactive so they can't be chosen would be perfect.

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    We suggest using the Pay Record Audit, which can inactivate pay records that do not fall in line with an entered control date. To access the Pay Record Audit, navigate to PaC, Human Resources, Payroll, Utilities, and Pay Record Audit.

    Skydoc is available at:

    If additional assistance is needed, please submit a Service Call so that one of our Customer Service Representatives can assist you.

    Thank you!

  19. Attachment to emailed PO's

    When attaching documents to a requisition, there is an option to check a box that says "send attachment with PO". It would be helpful if the default to this was "yes" - with the box checked. Staff do not realize they should check that box in order to include the attachment. 95% of the time we would include the attachment with the emailed PO. This would avoid us having to go into each requisition that has an attachment. menu path WF/PU/MR/RE/AT - when you click add file or link.

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    Thank you for submitting this idea. We suggest using Skycoder to make the “Send Attachment with PO” default to “Yes”.

    If you don’t have someone at the district to create JavaScript, we can provide this code to use in Skycoder:

    // On add of a file, initialize Email with purchase orders to checked
    if (document.getElementById(‘vMaintOption’).value == ‘add’) {
    $(‘#cEmailPO’).prop(‘checked’, true);

    Thank you!

  20. Change a Order From/Remit to Vendor to Order From only - KS

    It would be nice if you could change an "Order From/Remit To" vendor to Order From only and attach a different Remit To vendor. Many times when we are setting up vendors - you don't always know that there will be a different remit to address and there is not way to go back an change the original address and link to the new remit to address.

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    Hello! This functionality is currently available. Within Web Financial Management > Vendor > Vendor Browse, select and Order From/Remit To Vendor and click “Change Remit To”. Then click on the Select a Different Remit To Vendor and proceed by clicking Save. If this does not solve the idea you have, please respond back with more detail. Thank you and have a great day!

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