Jeri Gamble
My feedback
30 results found
9 votes
Thank you for submitting the product idea!
Where do you envision this would be available for users in Employee Access?
Is this a fairly common occurrence that users are needing to reach out to get these codes?
Thank you for additional information you can provide!
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
7 votes
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
48 votes
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
67 votes
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
11 votes
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
10 votes
Thank you for submitting the product idea! We have some additional information we would like to know about this -
1. How does your district currently handle the adjusting of W4s and WT4s?
2. Are custom forms utilized at all for this where you can link documents?
3. How often are users changing their withholdings?
4. Is there an approval process involved before these changes can be made on the Employee Profile?
This idea will remain open for the Skyward Community to continue voting and commenting on.
Thank you!
Erik O.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
8 votes
Thank you for submitting the product idea!
1. Are you referring to the utility located through Employee > Employee Replace/Clone > Under the Data Mining Tab?
Jeri Gamble shared this idea ·
20 votes
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
7 votes
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
44 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jeri Gamble commented
Or how about if the statement shows exactly what each payment is towards, instead of a list of payments on the top and a list of paid charges on the bottom.
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
17 votes
It's great to see so many vote on this idea!
We are researching the idea.
In the meantime, this idea will remain open for continued voting and commenting by the Skyward User Community.
Thank you!
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
19 votes
Thank you to those of you in the Skyward community who responded to the call for feedback. Your feedback and additional details provided are helpful to use while researching this request. We will continue to research the ability to make this update in PaC.
Thank you!
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
11 votes
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
11 votes
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
57 votes
Thank you for submitting and voting on this idea. We’ve researching implementing this enhancement and have determined we will not pursue it at this time.
There are several limitations to updating the font so that it is bolder. The biggest impact is that by making the font bolder it will shift the font and take up more room. Every report in the system would need to be reviewed and most likely updated as data would get pushed off the report rendering them unusable.
Thank you,
Ashley Prinsen
Product OwnerAn error occurred while saving the comment Jeri Gamble commented
For our Board Meetings I have to regularly change a couple of reports so that they are bolded. To do this, I do the following:
1. Close the PDF report
2. Open a blank Word document
3. Click File, Open. Find and select the PDF file. A message will appear notifying that your PDF file will be converted to Word.
4. The file will appear. You might be required to select 'Enable Editing'
5. Press Ctrl/A to select all data. Click Bold on the Font menu (or press Ctrl/B).
6. The previous step will not bold the header. Double click on the header. Press Ctrl/A, then Ctrl/B. Scroll through the document and repeat Ctrl/A and Ctrl/B if you find a header that isn't bold. Exit out of the header.
7. Now that everything is bolded, save the Word file. Then save it back to a PDF. -
7 votes
Thank you for submitting this idea.
We are evaluating it and would like to see more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.
This idea remains open for continued skyward user community comment and support.
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
1 vote
Jeri Gamble shared this idea ·
25 votes
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
9 votes
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
48 votes
Jeri Gamble supported this idea ·
Answers to your questions...
Question: How does your district currently handle the adjusting of W4s and WT4s?
Answer: Currently our district uses a paper form for adjusting W4s
Question: Are custom forms utilized at all for this where you can link documents?
Answer: Custom forms are not used for W4 changes. If we did use custom forms, there is still a manual process that would need to take place where our payroll department would have to make the changes requested on the custom form.
Question: How often are users changing their withholdings?
Answer: Our payroll department processes about 20-30 changes each month. New employees vary, depending on the time of year, but it is in the hundreds during the summer.
Question: Is there an approval process involved before these changes can be made on the Employee Profile?
Answer: Employees cannot make W4 changes through employee access. Payroll reviews the W4 forms before they manually enter them into Skyward.