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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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School Business Suite

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13 results found

  1. True Time Edits

    Currently True Time has widgets for Timesheets Waiting My Approval and Time Off Waiting My Approval. Could you add a widget for True Time Edits or Timesheets Edits Waiting My Approval. Employees can add an Edit Note, but Approvers have to go and find the requests rather than being notified. We would like an email notification to go to Approver when an Edit is requested and then also a widget so they can see Edit requests on their Home Page.

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    Thank you for submitting the product idea!

    1. Just for clarification, whenever a user makes an edit to a timesheet note, you would want the approvers to get an email notification?

    a. With this, would this only be if they edited after submission of the timesheet?

    2. The 2nd portion you are looking for a similar widget to the time off approvals widget?

    Thank you for your additional input, the idea will remain open for continued voting by the Skyward community.

    Erik O.

  2. True Time

    I have input a Skyward ticket to see if setting the order of pay codes in the employee's True Time clock view was possible and was told there was not a way to do this and to submit as an idea.

    I want to be able to have pay codes listed in a specific order within the True Time time clock view. For some employees with multiple codes, it would decrease errors if we could list the codes in a way that makes sense. I am not a big believer in multiple codes, it increases the risk of error and…

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    Thank you for submitting this product idea, all the supporting details and documentation. We have reviewed it and would like to see more support and use cases submitted from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.

    This Idea will remain open for the Skyward user community to show support by voting and commenting on it with additional use cases.

    Additionally, you now have the ability to indicate the level of importance when submitting or voting on an idea. Please take into consideration all the possible enhancements Skyward could complete for you and rank this idea with the global picture in mind.

    Thank you!

  3. True Time Reports/History for Inactive Employees

    When a Classified Employee resigns, we deactivate them so they no longer have access to Employee Access. This includes removing them from org charts, deactivating pay records, time off, etc. However, there are times that we'd like to go back and see time sheets. At this point, we have to reactivate them and put them back on an org chart to be able to see anything in True Time. Is there any way to have them inactive, but be able to keep the time sheet history active and easy to get to?

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    Thank you for submitting this Product Idea. We have reviewed it and would like to see more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.

    This Idea will remain open for the Skyward user community to show support by voting and commenting on it with additional use cases.

    Thank you!

  4. Mass assign work schedules - ask for confirmation prior to update

    When mass assigning work schedules in TT, when viewing the report after hitting run, ask the question "Are you sure you want to commit to changes?" This is asked all over the place when making changes in employee management.

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    Thank you for submitting this idea. We'd like to see more support for this idea from the Skyward User Community prior to considering it for development. 

    This idea will remain open for continued voting and commenting.

    In the meantime, we suggest clicking "Report" to preview the mass assignment changes in the report first, and then clicking "Run" to commit changes. There will be a pop-up once you hit "Run" that says "Are you sure you want to Mass Assign the following work schedule for MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY to the selected employees?"

    Thank you!

  5. Allow us to see if an emloyee has the true time button when setting them up

    There are so many things that need to be set up before an employee can see their True Time module. Even though we can see that employees appear in a Timekeeping rule it doesn't mean they have the ability to see/use the TT button . If we could see if they have it when we are in their profile under the blue circled i like we can use check estimator it would avoid having to log in as the employee and ensuring they have the button open to them. There are too many variables that need to align and often…

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  6. Data Mining True Time

    Need Time Sheet History, specifically Time sheet status to be available in data mining. This could then be used to compare with the Missing Timesheet report. The Timesheet History field should automatically pull the available statuses from Payroll > True Time > History. Specifically looking for Submitted/Unsubmitted/Denied, but others would be good as well.

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  7. Start date needs to print on missing timesheet reports if you can't change the programing

    We really, really need to be able to either have the system block employees from being reported with an unsubmitted timesheet or at a minimum have the start date of the current position printed on all missing timesheet reports.
    We end up wasting so much time going back to look at their start dates because they pull in with just being in the timekeeping group. Why couldn't the system even use the scheduled dates for the baseline of when to pull in?
    This is not only upsetting to us in the payroll department but our administration in the buildings are…

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    Thank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback:

    Could you provide a screenshot of what they have set up for parameters? Location: HR\PA\CP\TT.

    We’d specifically like to know what you have selected under Timesheet Statuses to include:

    Do you have the fourth option “Include timesheets that have no transactions” checked? If it is checked it will make it so the report is wide open.

    If you are running it wide open, what are your dates?

    Thank you!

  8. Changing Employee Schedules

    In the employee profile, under the TrueTime tab, in Workweek Schedule. It would be helpful if when you made a change to the schedule it would ask you if you would like to make that change for just that week or if you would like it changed going forward. In my District I need to make changes to one specific week to get the Time off to import correctly. Currently to be able to do that I have to change the week I want and then go to the next week and change it back to the original schedule.

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  9. Ability To Tie Specific Time Off Codes to Specific Pay Codes

    We would like the ability to connect specific time off codes to specific pay codes. Time off populates into timesheets, and from the timesheet it flows into payroll. With past employers, sick/vacation/personal time taken showed up on employees pay stubs. This would also be helpful when someone received a different rate of pay for time off. This became most evident and problematic with COVID absences, but it would be helpful in VARIOUS ways that have nothing to do with COVID. EPSL at 2/3 pay may or may not return in the near future, but not having this REALLY caused major…

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    Tell us More  ·  Caitlin Barton responded

    Hello! Thank you for submitting this idea. We are looking for more feedback – is your idea only relating to True Time?

  10. Fix the 'Tab Selection Order' and screen spacing when entering True Time

    A) On True Time>Quick Tracking when there is second entry, but strangely NOT when there is only one entry, the tab order causes the screen to jump around when trying to enter data, instead of the fields being in screen order 1,2,3,4,5 when pressing the tab key they are in 1,3,4,5,2 order.
    B) The time entry window (B) size is a fixed size, and the extra padding added to the 'start time' and 'end time' fields forces the inner form to always require a scroll to enter data. This is confusing and an unnecessary hinderance to a quick and seamless…

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  11. Pop Up Message for True Time

    It would be great if you could create a pop up message option for True Time Quick Entry. A lot of our employees do not open the Employee Access screen often and this would be a great way to get needed messages to them.

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  12. True Time - Enforce Minimum Out To Lunch Timeframe

    In Timekeeping rules, it would be helpful if there was an option to set a minimum time for Out To Lunch. An option already exists that checks time out to lunch for conversion back to an IN punch, but there are no options available to not permit employees to punch back in until they have taken their full lunch break.

    This oversight is costing our district quite a bit in overtime/comp time due to employees failing to take their mandatory 30 minute lunch and accruing additional time throughout the week.

    I envision an additional option under the "Lunches are paid…

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    Thank you for submitting this idea to the Ideas Portal.

    This is the platform for Skyward users to show support for ideas they like. It’s also the perfect place to share your thoughts and start a conversation about the idea.

    If you like this idea, and you want it considered for development, then we need to see your support!

    If you like this idea, please vote and comment. You can track it as it rises to the top of the list.

    Thank you,
    Ashley Prinsen
    Product Owner

  13. Add option to mass change pay code for full week

    When an employee has a pay code change in profile and true time right now a supervisor must go in and edit each individual clock entry each day on the employee's unsubmitted time sheet.
    I would like to see a utility that can mass change the pay code for the entire week. Or have a utility that you can select FROM date x TO date x and mass change all transactions in between.

    If anyone needs further explanations I've attached some screen shots of the pages showing the only way to edit a pay code in TT.

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