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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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School Business Suite

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16 results found

  1. Time Off Options

    Since I have to do the calculation manually I take the number of days worked divided by the total days available to work that month and multiply the number of leave hours to be awarded for sick leave.
    IE 10 days worked/23 days available to be worked that month = .4347826086956522 / 11 sick hours leave available for accrual for an 8 hr employee = 4.78 or rounded to 4.75 Sick Leave Hours for that month.

    • I know that is a complex calculation as we have paras that only work 7.5 hrs and only earn 10 Sick Leave Hours.

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    Can you help me understand this idea better? 

    How often are you doing these manual calculations? Is there periods during the school year that you need to run these calculations more often than others?

    Could you explain what would you expect the system to do differently to help with your calculations?

    Thank you!

  2. Taxable Life Insurance Warning

    There should be a warning that pops up on your first payroll in December (or even all payrolls in December) that reminds you to include the taxable benefit for group life insurance over $50K. This is a very common error that could be mostly avoided if there was a small pop-up that just reminded you to do it. For those that do it each payroll it would be a small annoyance, but for the people that do it once a year it could save a tone of time. Both for the employer and Skyward support during a very busy time…

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  3. Pre-populate pay period/payroll dates

    When doing the payroll processing, you need to enter the payroll date, posting date, pay period, etc all manually. These dates could easily be automatically filled in. the way I would suggest to do this is to use the "Run Numbers" that are currently in the payroll system and just add some additional settings that would like you select the frequency (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc). Based on the frequency selected and a calendar the system could determine what the dates would be. This would help everyone that does payroll to be more efficient and less likely to have a typing…

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  4. GTL - Hourly Employees - Need UPLOAD CAPABILITY

    GTL - Hourly Employees (w/o Contracts), need Upload Capability for GTL, not manually updating one-by-one.

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  5. Direct Deposit Notification Change Emails Causing Alarm

    We have enabled the auto email notification to send to employees when their direct deposit has changed.
    However, the system sends an email when you
    1. Are setting up a new employee (they had no direct deposit in the system, and now they do since you just got their direct deposit set up)
    2. When you change their direct deposit to print instead of "Do not print direct deposit on check run." We commonly change this when the employee is leaving as we cut off their access to employee access.

    This causes a lot of undue alarm in people. Is…

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    After researching the two issues detailed in the
    Product Idea we have some feedback.

    We will not be considering #1 for development. Best practices in security are constantly changing and bad actors become more resourceful and creative. This is a valid valid email event to me. If a Bad Actor adds a direct deposit number when there wasn’t supposed to be one, that would be something our users would want to be notified about. Even if it does cause alarm, better to be safe then sorry.

    We looked into #2 and are not able to duplicate this issue in any environment. We will need to know the exact steps you took to recreate the event.

    Thank you.

  6. Fix Print Screen

    If you are in the employee profile and try to print a time sheet from TrueTime the print screen does not work properly. It prints to the size of the window instead of the size of the information. For example if you have the window full screen it will print the time sheet very tiny. If you have the window shrunk so the it is the size of the timesheet it will print correctly. Please fix so that it auto resizes when you are trying to print so you don't end up with super tiny unreadable timesheet printouts. See attachment…

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  7. True Time Pay Code Maintenance

    Pay Code Maintenance Setup- I have employees that earn comp time for their primary duty and OT for extra duty. Please have the option to Include Pay towards overtime to "Yes" and the option of "No" to include in Comp Time. Currently, the option defaults to Yes to include in Comp Time and the overtime will not calculate in the worksheet.

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  8. Payroll Variance Report

    In the "Post-Verification" section of payroll there should be a report that shows variances. For example it should compare the gross or net between the last payroll and the current payroll.

    Each employee should be on their own line and you should be able to choose what you see on the report so you can choose to look at: net, gross, specific deductions, or specific benefits. Would help pin-point errors quickly without having to print 2 reports and having to manually compare the reports.

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  9. Make Contract Amounts update Correctly

    When you are trying to update a Contract Amount on someone's profile under the Contract tab, it will update the Contract Amount, but not the Per Diem Amount. It should update both fields and give you the option to over ride the Per Diem Amounts. That should be fairly rare that you would need them to be different amounts.

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  10. Account Adjustment by Specific Dollar Amounts

    Payroll account adjustments are currently only able to use percentages. It would be extremely helpful if we were able to also do the accounting adjustments by specific dollar amounts. This would help for situations where you are trying to move part to a grant. Some grants need it down to the exact penny and that can be hard to achieve using percentages.

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  11. Have the ability to print my check stubs in Alphabetical order.

    I would like to have the ability to print my direct deposit pay check stubs in alphabetical order. At this time, they will only print in order of check location. I am surprised that this is not an option. Thank you for your consideration.

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  12. Tie 403B Roth and Pre-Tax Deduction Amounts and Percentages Together

    Our District allows staff to make pre-tax and post tax contributions to their 403B account. These are currently separate codes with their own contribution limit. However, in the real world, employees are allowed to contribute X amount/percent to each, but each counts toward ONE contribution limit. Our plan allows staff to make changes to their contributions anytime in the year, so the code-specific limits aren't doing us any good. It's not as simple as splitting the limit evenly between the two codes.

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  13. Calculate retirement hours based on number of checks remaining

    Currently an employee who joins us after the first payroll period applicable to their position the retirement hours on their pay code are populated based on the 20 or 24 checks. ie: employee works 90 days at 6 hpd=540 total hrs. The retirement hours on the pay code populates as 27 (divided by 20 checks) versus 54 based on 10 checks left.
    I find that since the information we used to use to see the number of days on the position tab in PAC was removed (grrrr) we now have to go to WEB open that employee, choose assignment and…

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    Thank you for submitting this idea to the Ideas Portal.

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    If you like this idea, and you want it considered for development, then we need to see your support!

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    Thank you,
    Ashley Prinsen
    Product Owner

  14. Tie pay record dates to contract dates

    When you connect a pay record to a contract the pay record should stop when the contract dates end. So if an employee does not continue on with a new contract for that pay record the next year it won't automatically pay out. In the contract area you could put a box to ask if you don't want that.

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    Thank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback to clarify this request.

    Is this request to make it so the pay record “by default” uses the paid start/stop dates on the CONTRACT to stop paying the pay record whether or not they’ve imported paid start/stop dates into their pay records with the assignment export/payroll import?

    If you have additional information to help clarify what you’d like to see updated or expect to see changed that will help us.

    Thank you!

  15. Requesting warning message for Bank Routing Info

    Issue When entering direct deposit information it seems like (to my payroll specialists) the system finds the closest routing number in the library. They key in the routing number and select the bank name that comes up. We just found an incident where the payroll specialist entered a routing number & that bank was not in our library - but she did not realize it - and the bank name selected was the next closest. Can something be changed to warn them during data entry that the routing number is not in the library. Kind of like it does with…

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    Thank you for submitting this idea to the Ideas Portal.

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    Thank you,
    Ashley Prinsen
    Product Owner

  16. Adding paycode - Add to True time message

    When adding a new paycode it would be nice to have an option to say yes/no to adding the paycode to True Time at that point. Time saving. Many times I may be mass adding a paycode for payment of a one-time thing - if I don't remember to also turn it off in True Time I end up with many confused employees wondering why they have a new option when they punch in. More often than not it won't be related to True Time and I'd like to choose that right away.

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    Thank you for submitting this idea to the Ideas Portal.

    This is the platform for Skyward users to show support for ideas they like. It’s also the perfect place to share your thoughts and start a conversation about the idea.

    If you like this idea, and you want it considered for development, then we need to see your support!

    If you like this idea, please vote and comment. You can track it as it rises to the top of the list.

    Thank you,
    Ashley Prinsen
    Product Owner

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