School Business Suite
15 results found
'Unselect All' is needed in Clone/Replace Securities utility
When cloning/replacing securities, an 'Unselect All' option is needed in the Budgetary Data Mining area. The default is to have every BDM report selected. Some employees have hundreds of BDM reports, and each one has to be unselected if they aren't wanted to be cloned.
8 votesThank you for submitting the product idea!
1. Are you referring to the utility located through Employee > Employee Replace/Clone > Under the Data Mining Tab?
Email Direct Deposit
Ability to email print deposit advices to employees who do not have employee access.
Current process is we print them and mail to employee as they do not have employee access. Having the ability to email them would save paper and money on postage. Email address is already tied to their profile.
5 votesThank you for submitting this Product Idea. We have reviewed it and would like to see more support and use cases submitted from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development. We'd also like to see a conversation about security of employee information.
This Idea will remain open for the Skyward user community to show support by voting and commenting on it with additional use cases.
Additionally, you now have the ability to indicate the level of importance when submitting or voting on an idea. Please take into consideration all the possible enhancements Skyward could complete for you and rank this idea with the global picture in mind.
Thank you!
View Time off for same department employees and supervisors
Supervisor wants everyone in the department to be able to see time off for everyone in the department at any level, but not to be able to see how they are using their time off. Another words, he want employees to be able to see the name of the other employees taking off, but not if they were NCD, sick, etc. This would be a great help to the department, because employees never know when supervisors are going to be off.
2 votesThank you for submitting this Product Idea. We have reviewed it and would like to see more support and use cases submitted from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.
This Idea will remain open for the Skyward user community to show support by voting and commenting on it with additional use cases.
Additionally, you now have the ability to indicate the level of importance when submitting or voting on an idea. Please take into consideration all the possible enhancements Skyward could complete for you and rank this idea with the global picture in mind.
Thank you!
Wellness screeining visible to employee supervisors
We would like supervisors to have the right to see only their employees wellness screening and print (or extract) an excel with the information.
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea. We've heard a lot of varying feedback from our users on what they expect regarding the wellness screening.
We'd like to keep this idea open and see more support, voting and commenting on it prior to considering it for development.
Thank you!
Comments section - Personnel Tab
The comments section under Employee - Personnel should be separate from the Vendor Comment section. This is a security issue.
3 votesThank you for submitting this idea.
Are you using the notes feature? You can protect notes if they have confidential information.
Thank you.
Utility to mass change License Status
Add a utility to change License Status from Current to Expired based on the expiration date.
4 votesThank you for submitting this idea. Could you provide a screenshot of the License Stats and Expiration Date that you've referred to in the idea?
Thank you!
Employee Pseudo Approval Email Confirmations
When approving or denying items in the Employee Pseudo Approval section, it would be great if an email was sent to the employee confirming the approval or showing them the reason for denial. The email could go to the employee's email address(es) on file.
8 votesThank you for submitting this idea.
We would like to see more support from the Skyward user community. We’d like to see user collaboration prior to considering it for development.
Thank you!
Creating a Full-Time/Part-Time checkbox
If we could add a full-time and part-time checkbox next to the "Faculty" checkbox on the personnel tab under the employee profile, this would help with reporting.
10 votesHello! Thank you for submitting this idea. Could you elaborate more on how this helps with reporting? What are the current issues you are running into?
Eligible for Rehire Tab
We would like to enter in Skyward if a person is eligible for rehire. Is it possible to add a Eligible for Rehire Tab with the option to select Yes or No. Kind of the like the Leave Information Tab. Right now we have to go to our scanned documents to see if a person is eligible rehire.
10 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.
This idea will remain open for continued voting and comments by the Skyward user community to show their support.
Thank you!
Org Chart
Add a utility to Org Chart to remove Inactive employees from the selected org chart.
20 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community before considering this idea for development.
Thank you!
Clone Substitute as part of Time Off Trans Clone
It would be great to have the option of cloning the Substitute as part of the Time Off transaction clone process. I most often use the clone process for FMLA or long-term situations and many times the substitute is the same for the whole period. As it is right now I can clone the time off but then have to edit each transaction any way to update the sub field. Although it would add a step it would be great if a preview screen would pop up showing the dates time off type reason and sub for the days you…
3 votesThank you for submitting this idea to the Ideas Portal.
This is the platform for Skyward users to show support for ideas they like. It’s also the perfect place to share your thoughts and start a conversation about the idea.
If you like this idea, and you want it considered for development, then we need to see your support!
If you like this idea, please vote and comment. You can track it as it rises to the top of the list.
Thank you,
Ashley Prinsen
Product Owner -
Allow Req Changes for Emails 1 2 3 and 4
Allow users to enter personal email address for emails 2 3 and 4 for notifications. Information could then be exported/imported to a third party software. Employees are entering and maintaining their information in one system Skyward. Office staff is not manually updating the information in Skyward and then exporting to 3rd party. Saves District staff time in maintaining this information. Add Email 1 2 3 and 4 with the ability to select if employee can change using auto-approve approval needed read only or hide - just like Phone 1 2 and 3 fields.
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea to the Ideas Portal.
This is the platform for Skyward users to show support for ideas they like. It’s also the perfect place to share your thoughts and start a conversation about the idea.
If you like this idea, and you want it considered for development, then we need to see your support!
If you like this idea, please vote and comment. You can track it as it rises to the top of the list.
Thank you,
Ashley Prinsen
Product Owner -
Add TERM DATE field to Extra Information
The additional field option allows the user to create a quick view of employee's status without digging into the Employee Profile menus.The additional field option allows the user to create a quick view of employee's status without digging into the Employee Profile menus.
2 votesThank you for submitting this idea to the Ideas Portal.
This is the platform for Skyward users to show support for ideas they like. It’s also the perfect place to share your thoughts and start a conversation about the idea.
If you like this idea, and you want it considered for development, then we need to see your support!
If you like this idea, please vote and comment. You can track it as it rises to the top of the list.
Thank you,
Ashley Prinsen
Product Owner -
Date of Term to Profile Extra Info
Please add the Date of Term to the Profile Customized Options in the Profile Banner in Payroll.
25 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback. Could you help us understand this request? Why will this be useful and how will you use it?
Thank you!
Add a custom browse view for assignments
There are currently on 2 views that we use staff payroll and staff assignments. We would like to create a custom view because there are fields in each one that are unique. We would like to see all the fields in both available for a custom view and we can filter on. Also we need to see more then just 2 accounts. We would dump this report to excel and all the account codes could show then for us.
More options and flexibility on fields and more then just 2 account codes to show. We use this information in our…
39 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback!
Could you detail which fields specifically you’d expect to see on the browse?
Would up to 4 accounts be adequate, or would you expect to see more than 4 accounts?
Thank you!
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