School Business Suite
13 results found
When having a Blanket PO and had 30 invoices to enter it would be nice if there was a way to enter them together on 1 page.
When having a Blanket PO and having 30 invoices to enter it would be nice if there was a way to enter them together on 1 page instead of having to do them all separately.
13 votesThank you for submitting this Product Idea. We have reviewed it and would like to see more support and use cases submitted from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.
This Idea will remain open for the Skyward user community to show support by voting and commenting on it with additional use cases.
Additionally, you now have the ability to indicate the level of importance when submitting or voting on an idea. Please take into consideration all the possible enhancements Skyward could complete for you and rank this idea with the global picture in mind.
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Moving Bank Rec Notes to Page 1
Move the Bank Reconciliation Notes from last page to first page. I don't know about anyone else but our district uses the Notes to explain manual adjustments.
3 votesThank you for submitting this request. We'd like to see support from the Skyward User community prior to considering it for development.
This idea will remain open for the Skyward User community to vote and comment on it.
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Invoice approval - payment type
Would it be possible to add the payment type field to the invoice master field on the invoice approval screen? We use various payment methods - wire, ACH and checks. It would be helpful in our approval process to see that the correct payment method has been selected.
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea. We'd like to see more support from the Skyward User Community prior to considering it for development.
This idea will remain open for voting and commenting.
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Invoice Entry Enter through all sections
When going through the data entry in the invoice add screen on web, you can hit "Enter" to go to the next option EXCEPT the "Status" option. Then if you want to continue keying, you have to switch to TAB to the next option. I would just like to continue to "Enter" through all the options for ease of use using the numberpad.
2 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We'd like to see more support from the Skyward User Community for this idea.
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Add a "Select All" option to the Invoice Approval screen.
I sometimes have to approve 50+ invoices, and it's very time consuming to click each and every box.
4 votesThank you for submitting this idea.
We would like to see more support from the Skyward user community. We’d like to see user collaboration prior to considering it for development.
Thank you!
Re-open Credit Card transaction in batch status
It would be nice if at the district office level, we could re-open/unlock a credit card transaction that someone has hit the "approved" button on. There are many times when someone makes a mistake and would like to fix, but only one of us in the district offices can do it through PAC on the back end. I would like to be able to open it back up for them to fix on the web side.
10 voteshank you for submitting this idea.
We would like to see more support from the Skyward user community. We’d like to see user collaboration prior to considering it for development.
Thank you!
Fix Tab Order
It would be helpful to have the tabs hit both the account Amount and the Account Percentage field while in the AP invoice entry screen. Currently it will tab correctly on the first line and then it will skip to the Account Percent for following lines, which the Account Amount is the more used filed. See attached
3 votesThank you for submitting this idea with the attached visual. We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.
Thank you!
Add Credit Card as a Check Type
When entering invoices, I would think choosing to pay the invoice via Credit Card would be similar to Wire, ACH, or Regular check.
Not sure how complex it would be to link the payment type to the Credit Card section for review/submit/approve options. With paperless options increasing, I feel like this is the time to link the two together.
15 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We see the value in this idea and would love to see more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.
In the meantime, while this idea gathers support, we recommend using the “wire” option for credit card payments.
Thank you!
Check Image and ACH Advice of Deposit Image Attached to AP Transactions
With the goal of going paperless, we would like to see the Check and ACH Advice of Deposit Images attached to each payment as part of AP process. (Similar to the way that employee letters are posted to each employee's record.)
The image of the check and advice of deposit is requested frequently by our auditors and as part of the grant reporting process.
Currently, we print the check image and file it, but with the transition to paperless we are saving the PDF file for each check run. However, this still involves searching through the PDF file to obtain…
10 votesThank you for submitting this idea. We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community before we consider this idea for development.
Thank you!
Wire Transfer Reference # Set Up
When setting up Wire Transfer Reference # for new fiscal year - allow the district to edit the first four digits to a larger number. With the start of the 20-21 SY - our ACH & Wire Transfer number both begin in the 20xxxxxxx digits which will make it more difficult to recognize whether a voucher is an ACH payment or a Wire Transfer payment. We use Wire Transfer numbers for all of our p-card payments.
2 votesThank you for submitting this idea! We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community before we consider it for development.
Thank you!
Ability to attach payment backup in AP Payment screen
We currently have ability to attach documentation to an invoice but not to the payment itself. In many instances, particularly in the payment of payroll invoices, MANY invoices makeup one payment and is time-prohibitive to attach to each invoice. It would be helpful to have the attach option to be also available in the AP payment screen.
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea. We need more feedback.
Could you provide a working example, and what you would expect to change? Could you explain with the working example why each update would be helpful for your process? We’d like to better understand this request.
Thank you!
Ability to view Account Number from Entry and Approval Screen
In the invoices entry, requisition entry, purchase order entry, invoice approval, and requisition approval screens you should be able to see the expense accounts as part of the grid. This would allow you to check the account distribution without having to go into each individual invoice or requisition. Would speed up checking and make entry more consistent.
8 votesThank you for submitting and voting on this idea. We need your feedback!
If an Invoice Entry or Requisition Entry has multiple accounts, how would you expect to see the multiple accounts listed?
Thank you!
Auto Populate Due Date when Invoice Date Changes
Currently users must first enter the Invoice Date and then the Vendor. After the Vendor is entered the Due Date updates. If the Vendor is chosen first then the Invoice Date the Invoice Due Date does not update to the Due Date per the terms on the Vendor Card. Users should be able to choose the Vendor then populate the Invoice Date and then the Due Date should auto update based on the Vendor Terms.
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea to the Ideas Portal.
This is the platform for Skyward users to show support for ideas they like. It’s also the perfect place to share your thoughts and start a conversation about the idea.
If you like this idea, and you want it considered for development, then we need to see your support!
If you like this idea, please vote and comment. You can track it as it rises to the top of the list.
Thank you,
Ashley Prinsen
Product Owner
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