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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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School Business Suite

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2 results found

  1. Pulling Reports on Historical Data when an Employee has changed Employee Type

    I would like to see some enhancements on historical payroll data reports.
    I want to pull a report showing the total payroll amounts by Employee Type and pay code type. HOWEVER, I want the report to show those that were in that employee type during the time frame of the payrolls.
    For example, in 2020-21, Susie Smith was a paraprofessional. In 2021-2022, she became a teacher. I want to be able to pull a report for 2020-21 showing employees that were paras at the time. Right now, the system only pulls current employee types. So if I need to pull…

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    Thank you for submitting this Product Idea. We have reviewed it and would like to see more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.

    This Idea will remain open for the Skyward user community to show support by voting and commenting on it with additional use cases.

    Thank you!

  2. This report sorting rules should be able to be mod

    This reports is setup to sort by social security number which is sometimes the way I like to see it but it would be helpful to also have the option to sort it by vendor name as well.

    Having different options on sorting will allow users to be more efficient.

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