School Business Suite
10 results found
Skyward Profile Notes
We've encountered an issue with profile notes (WH\EP\TB\NO). When an HR staff member adds a note to an employee profile, only they can edit the note. If the staff member who entered the note separates from the district, no one can update the note.
6 votesThank you for submitting the product idea!
I ran a test of this on an employee profile - I entered in notes as the original creator, and then super used in as another user, and was able to modify the notes as the second user.
Could I have you verify that they have the proper security to the notes section? (At least level 3 access for editing?)
Thank you!
Erik O.
Combine Employee Contact Information
Format employee data so that address and phone/email can be viewed on one "contact information" page. Clicking from one area to the other to get this information is very cumbersome.
3 votesThank you for submitting the product idea!
On the Employee Profile screen, towards the top of the screen there is a customize button - with this you can choose to have specific employee information pinned onto the screen for easier viewing of the data you wish to see.
I have included an attachment of the button on Employee Profile with the options available to you.
I hope this helps and is an alternative you can use!
Erik O.
Adding a Room field within Skyward Business
I think it would be great to have a room number field within Skyward Business. Our IAM system syncs with Skyward and it would be great to pull the room number from one central source and push out all of this to our other downstream systems.
1 voteHave you tried creating a Custom Form with a new Field for Room Number? You could use Skycoder from Human Resources to attach the Custom Form to Screens and collect the Room Number.
Add a number of User Defined Fields to Personnel Tab that are Reportable.
There are a couple of fields we would get great use out of that we would like added to Skyward, but we realize that each district is different, so it would be great if each district could define those fields themselves, and report on them.
Example: We very much would benefit from an Insurance Eligibility Date, an OPEB Eligibility Date (would be even better if this one had history similar to Leave History, but also with an FTE field linked to it), and an OPEB Eligible field with Yes/No as drop-drop down or radio button.
Reporting on the OPEB eligibility…2 votesThank you for submitting this Product Idea. We suggest using a Custom Form to capture and report on this information.
Here is a link to the SkyDoc:
If you need additional assistance setting up this Custom Form, please submit a Service Call to Skyward and one of our Customer Consulting and Support Representatives will be able to assist you.
Thank you!
1 vote
Use Skycoder on the screen:
Once this is added to the code this should allow for Greek Characters in the ID Field.
Thank you!
Import Insurance Deduction/Benefit Changes
I would like the ability to import employee insurance deduction/benefit changes in Skyward. Mass processes in PaC are inefficient.
Note: We don't use Insurnance Tracking.1 voteThank you for submitting this idea.
We have the Payroll Import/Export and Generic Imports/Exports that should allow for you to import employee insurance deduction/benefit changes in Skyward. You do not need to be using Insurance Tracking in order to access this functionality. We suggest submitting a Service Call for assistance in getting started. Please have the format you are using available so the rep is get started with you right away.
Thank you!
Salary Negotiations - Include _Vacants in Reports
The Employee Management Report under Salary Negotiation Reports does not include Contract dollars amounts for _Vacant positions but should. Other reports in Salary Negotiations such as Pay/Distribution and Detail and Summary reports do. I would like to see this consistent.
7 votesTo include Vacants in report, go to the Selection Parameters in the report template. Add a new parameter set or edit an existing one. Make sure the Include Vacant Assignments is checked. Save the parameter set.
Thank you!
Marking Employees Who Have A Medical Concern (Same as is done in the Student Management side)
We would like to be able to mark an employee's profile similar to the way it is done on the student side who has a medical concern (IE peanut allergy, pacemaker, diabetic). This will prompt our health service team to be able to quickly manage emergencies for our employees very much like we do for students
6 votesThank you for submitting the product idea!
Custom Forms are a great option to store this information currently within Skyward. As the custom forms have their own tab within profile, you have the ability to send this out through Online Forms as well for them to complete in Employee Access and can then easily access the information.
You can also secure these online forms so only users with proper security are able to access this information and keep the medical history confidential.
Erik O.
Ability to mass change expiration dates for certif
MDE (MN Dept of Education) is upgrading to a tiered licensing system. To achieve this they will be extending all existing teacher licenses by one year from their current expiration date. All licenses expiring 6/30/18 will be extended to 6/30/19. Similarly 19 will go to 20 20 will go to 21 21 will go to 22 and 22 will go to 23. If not able to mass change it will require all schools in MN to manually update the expiration date of all teachers. This will increase the possibility of errors in the future.
By allowing a mass update by…57 votesThank you for submitting and voting on this idea.
We’ve researched this request and current SMS 2.0 functionality and we suggest trying this instead:
Create a Data Mining Report from Human Resources > Employee> Data Mining to pull certification information. You can export the Data Mining Report to an excel spreadsheet to mass update expiration dates.
Then, navigate to Human Resources > Employee > Product Setup> Utilities > Certifications Import. You can re-import the Data Mining spreadsheet with all the updated certification expiration dates.
Please be sure to verify the Expiration Date is not checked for the Creation Criteria on the import. This process will allow you to mass update all certification expiration dates.
Thank you!
Ashley Prinsen
Product Owner -
Notes' option in profile needs reporting options
I use the Notes option in both Web and PaC profile to record any payroll changes that need to occur. There are hree issues with this:
Program does not allow me record the date as of when I need to make the change.
When reporting on these notes it sorts by 'Create Date' rather than the date I need to make the change.
Options need to be added to sort the notes by Occurrence Date or Implementation Date rather than by Create Date.
The option would be more functional if user could define to report in 'Expected Date' or 'Implementation…
52 votesThank you for submitting and voting on this idea. We suggest that you try this instead:
Create a Custom Form for Note by individual. If you make it as a multi form, you could add more as needed for history or you could use a single form and remove after they have updated what they needed. You are able to include an “Implementation Date” (WH\EP\PS\CF\CF\MS)
Next, create a Data Mining Report. You will be able to run the report by “Implementation Date” and see the notes associated.
Thank you,
Ashley Prinsen
Product Owner
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